Chapter 3

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Laying in her lover's arms evoked memories from earlier that day. Candy stiffened. She couldn't help it. The euphoria of their lovemaking had worn off. She was back at square one. She never regretted the time she spent in Logan's arms until today. She rolled out of his arms and onto her other side. To say she was embarrassed would be an understatement. Candy couldn't quite put her finger on exactly what she was feeling. But a few days off from work might help her put things into perspective.

Candy buried her face into the pillow. It wasn't the first time she'd second-guessed her decision to sleep with a married man during their relationship. That he was her boss didn't help either. She was a hard worker. Her relationship with her boss shouldn't blemish her work ethic. Oh lord, what if Ashton blabbed at their next meeting? Some men gossip worse than females. Whether or not Ashton was one of those men was something she would need to discover. Frankly, hiding out was looking better by the minute. At the very least, she needed to take tomorrow off.

She shifted onto her back. Chewing on her bottom lip, she pondered how to broach the subject. Was it best to just call out, as normal people did? People who aren't sleeping with their boss. She took a fortifying breath to steady her nerves. If anyone should understand her plight is Logan. He was there too. And frankly, she was a little peeved that he wasn't more upset after being caught.

"Your quiet," he said, interrupting her musing. "Do I even want to know what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

"I need tomorrow off," she blurted. Logan was already shaking his head. She rushed on before he could interrupt. "There's no way I can face Ashton again. Not this soon."

"I need you. We've got several very important meetings lined up for tomorrow." He sighed, rubbing his temple as if her request had given him a headache. "Why don't you work from home. I can patch you in during the meetings, and you'd only have to check in every couple of hours or so. How does that sound?"

"Is that my only option?"

"Yes, I'm not trying to be unreasonable. You get every Monday and Sunday off. I make my schedule around yours. I can't afford for you to take an extra day off this week."

"I guess I'll have to take what I can get."

"You're cute when you pout." He kissed her deeply, threading his fingers through her wild tangle of curls. His hand splayed on the small of her back, pressing her thigh against his swelling member. She rocked against him, teasing him. Her anger was forgotten at the moment.

Logan hissed, pulling her over him until she straddled him completely. She stroked his impressive length for as long as she could bear it. His obvious desire for her was the ultimate turn-on for her. She lined his thick hard shaft with her wet entrance. Now that she was in control, their loving was anything but slow. She rocked against him, swirling her hips, taunting him. She cupped her breast, twisting and pulling at her nipples. Sensations thundered through her. Twirling on his thick rod, she rode him with abandon.

Without opening her eyes, she knew he was leaving. If she reached her hand over a tiny bit, she would still find the spot where he had laid his head warm. She was tempted to roll over and bury her face into his pillow. She shivered, left alone in the full-sized bed, missing his warmth.

He crept from her room like a thief in the night. It was their ritual. The walk of shame. How she wished things were different. To wake up with him and go to bed with him every night. But that wasn't her reality. All she had were stolen moments and late-night exits. If only she didn't love him so much, maybe she could walk away from the pain his leaving caused her every night.

Once she was sure he was gone, she surrendered to temptation. She rolled over to the spot he'd vacated, burying her nose into his pillow. His unmistakably masculine scent comforted her. The slamming of the front door was like a switch to her consciousness. Eyes heavy, she fell into a deep sleep surrounded by his scent.

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