Chapter 5

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Could her day get any worse? Dred dropped like stones in the pit of her stomach. Her steps slowed to a stop. She had half a mind to go back to Logan's office. Better to deal with the devil she knew. As she was about to turn around, Emily's head shot up, meeting her gaze. Candy swallowed hard. Damn, it was too late to turn back. On wooden legs, she covered the distance to her desk.

"Can I help you with something, ma'am?"

"Ma'am? Come on now, Candace. That's a bit formal, don't you think? We are sharing my husband, after all."

Heat crawled up her neck. How much did she know? "Excuse me?" she asked, dropping to the floor. Logan assured her his wife was ignorant of their liaison.

"You heard me." Emily's eyes narrowed, daring her to deny the accusation.

"May I?" Candy asked, nodding towards her chair.

"Of course, I'll go in now that you're finished screwing my husband. That is what you were doing, wasn't it?"

"We were in a meeting." Candy's cheeks heated as the lie rolled off her tongue. It had started as a meeting in her defense, at least on her end.

"I'm sure you were," Emily drawled. "Have a seat, dear. I know the way."

"I don't know if he will have time to see you right now. He's heading to lunch in a few minutes."

"I'm his wife. He'll see me."

"If you say so, Mrs. Donovan."

"Still using the formal approach," Emily chuckled. "Oh, and one more thing, we're going to be a while. Why don't you head to lunch."

"That woman!" Candy huffed under her breath. She snatched up her purse and headed for the door.

The brief encounter with Emily put her in a sour mood for the rest of the day. She was more than ready to leave work by the time she powered down her computer for the night. Logan hadn't stepped foot out of his office for the rest of the day. She'd stayed an hour later, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. But it was all to no avail. The few times she'd tried to engage him using the intercom had been met with silence.

On the drive home, her mind was a swirl of activity. She couldn't get Emily's words out of her head. As much as she disliked the woman, her guilt kept her from truly hating her. If only Logan would put them both out of their miseries and end his farce of a marriage.

Exhausted, she let herself into her apartment. She wouldn't bother to wait up for him, judging by Logan's mood. It was highly unlikely that he'd grace her bed tonight. She kicked her shoes off and then curled onto the couch. Following her usual routine, she scrolled through her social media account.

A message request from someone who wasn't one of her online friends popped up. She scanned over the message twice. A smile curved her lips. Her best friend from childhood had reached out. How had he found her? She'd been careful not to use her real name. Her profile name was the heroine in her favorite book. He must have found her page through her brothers. Truthfully if she had a choice, she wouldn't have added them. But her mom would never let her hear the end of it if she wasn't nice to her brothers online.

Trent was inviting her home for their high school reunion next month. Had it already been ten years? She was a little excited to see everyone again, even though she wasn't where she'd thought she'd be after skipping town, determined to make a name for herself. Her hands shook as she confirmed her spot at the reunion. Before submitting the message, she left her cellphone number so they could stay in touch. She missed Trent and their friendship.

There was a great deal of pep in her step as she made her way to the bathroom. Her desire to take a bathed waned since she'd first arrived home. A long hot shower could be as luxurious as a bath. Pampering herself would be the last thing she did this night.

The pounding on the door jarred her from a dreamless sleep. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and then blinked several times before glancing at the clock. Who the hell would knock on her door in the middle of the night? Someone had better be dead or dying. She clumsily pulled on her robe.

Candy rushed to the door. She stretched on her tiptoes to look through the peephole. It was Logan. She opened the door, wondering what brought him to her place at such a late hour. Their late-night tryst usually ended at this hour. A small voice in her head hoped he was there to tell her good news, but the louder, more demanding voice knew better.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, opening the door.

"I need you," he was on her in moments. His lips devoured hers in a soul-searing kiss.

"Wait! She snatched her mouth away. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Did you at least end it?"

"No." He rubbed his face with both hands, then dropped them to his sides. "I can't end my marriage."

"Can't or won't?"

"Do we have to do this right now?" Logan ran his hands through his short dark hair.

"Haven't I waited long enough?" she pleaded. "I need clarity, you can't end things with your wife, or you won't?"

"A divorce is not worth the trouble. I'd lose half of my business. I know that's not what you want to hear, but you knew the score. I never made any promises. If you want me to, I'll leave."

"Stay. We can table this discussion for now." Candy hated always having to be the one to relent, but she wasn't ready to lose him. Not yet.

Logan hefted her into his arms and carried her to her bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed. His eyes never left her as he removed his clothes. He came down on the bed, covering her body with his. She was naked under the robe she'd hastily thrown on to answer the door. Little by little, he removed it as tenderly as he would opening a fragile gift. His slow wet kisses caressed her newly exposed skin.

His loving was both needy and demanding. Candy wrapped her legs tight around his waist, pulling him deeper into her sex. Logan let out a long growl that nearly sent her over the edge. She clung to him for dear life. His powerful strokes demanded her complete surrender. She was all too happy to appease him.

He rolled onto his back with her on top of him. Candy rocked with him. The sensual twirl of her hips expressed her love for him in ways she wouldn't dare utter. To say them aloud would be too much like tearing out her own heart only for him to throw it away. The thought was unbearable. No, she'd rather push the negativity to the back of her mind and focus on the here and now. Here and now, she was with the man she loved. The man who made her blissfully happy. He needed her now, so she bottled up the hurt, anger, and love and rode him. She rode him like an emboldened goddess. She proved that she could be as fierce and demanding as him.

"She glanced down at him. In their passionate haze, his green eyes turned cloudy gray. His desire mirrored her own. She loved him with every fiber of her being. They were one! As she rocked above him, she closed her eyes, Imprinting him on her senses. She would cherish this moment forever. 

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