Chapter 4

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Candy's blood boiled. Her normally neat desk was a mess. She closed her eyes, counted to ten, then slowly opened them again. Nope, it wasn't her imagination. Her workspace was littered with papers. She blew out a harsh breath. A headache was brewing. She threaded her fingers through her hair, kneading her scalp with the tips of her fingers.

Her brows snapped together, forming a crease in the center of her forehead. She was half tempted to turn tail and run. It would serve them right if she left them to deal with the mess they created. The amount of work left piled on her desk was ludicrous. Did anyone besides her do any real work? Although she was Logan's PA, her coworkers often went to her with questions. It seemed everyone used her absence to cut corners. Luckily for them, her sense of responsibility outweighed her thirst for revenge. There was one day left in the work week. Logan would have a fit if the papers were not filed by tomorrow.

First thing in the morning, her day had barely begun, and it was already shaping up to be a long day. She rummaged through her purse for a hair tie, then twisted her shoulder-length hair into a sensible bun. Once seated at her desk, she sat her bag aside, kicked off her sensible heels, and powered on her computer. If there were any hope of leaving work on time, she would have to work through her lunch break.

Her gaze landed on the closest blueprint. She searched the pile for the matching documentation. She scanned them into her computer, creating a digital copy to go along with the hard copy, then filed them away. Candy worked on one task at a time. First, she organized the papers into several smaller stacks beginning with the most urgent.

As the day wore on, her irritation grew. She reassessed her workload. It would take a miracle to forge through paperwork in one day. She concluded she'd have to stay late at least twice this week if there was any hope of catching up.

"Candace, can you come here for a moment, please?" Logan's voice over the intercom sounded, breaking her concentration.

"Be right there." Candy slipped her feet back into her shoes. She glanced at the clock. It was almost lunchtime. Unsure of how long their meeting would take, she closed all the open tabs on her computer. Depending on his mood, his summons could last anywhere from five minutes to an hour. She might have to do a store run. With Logan, it helped always to be prepared. Candy stretched before making her way to Logan's office. At his door, she tapped lightly before letting herself in. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, have a seat," Logan responded without looking up from his computer screen.

Candy hurried across the room to follow his instructions. If she had to sit through one of his lectures, she might as well get comfortable. Candy slipped off her suit jacket and then hung it on the back of her chair. While standing, her skirt stopped at mid-thigh. It rode up even further as she took a seat on the very edge of the chair.

"Oh boy, is this going to take a while?"

"Probably," he answered vaguely. "I haven't seen you all day. Were you avoiding me?"

"There was a lot of work to do," she admitted. She rubbed her temples, fending off the headache she felt growing.

"Good, I'm glad to see you're not still upset with me for making you work from home yesterday."

"Who says I'm not still upset with you."

"Well, are you?" he raised a sharp brow.

"No. everything worked out fine."

"That's good," he said, leaning back in his chair.

"But if it hadn't, I'd be very pissed at you right now."

"Well, it worked out just fine. No need to worry your pretty little head any longer."

"You don't have any more meetings lined up for the morning. Are you ready to place your lunch order?" Candy asked, changing the subject.

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