Ch.12 Am i?

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I checked the calendar again, and again. Gerard saw me checking with a worried wide eyed look.
"Is something wrong?" He asked, I looked at him and put on a small smile. could I tell him? No, I should wait until I know for sure.
"No I just have to go do stuff I'll be back." I said walking out, I went into the car and drive to Walmart and got ALOT of pregnancy test. I came back home and ran strait to the bathroom before Gerard could see me with them. I use all of them except for one cause I broke it and I had no idea how to use it I got ten and 6 of them said + and 4 said - so I went to the doctor and he said I was pregnant. I had him give me a paper that said it and went home when I walked in I had a cheesy grin on my face.
"What's up?" Gerard asked smiling back at me. I handed him the paper. he read it and smiled even harder and turned red I nodded my head smiling he looked at my stomach and held my waist kissing my stomach saying, "hi, hi baby, this is your daddy." I smiled and smiled starting to tear up. he hugged me and kissed me.
"When should we tell every body?" I asked.
"Tonight. we can just invite everyone over, I can make dinner. were gonna be parents." he said smiling I nod my head and I sit down. I hold my stomach and look at it. I can't believe it I'm gonna have a happily ever after.

Gerard's p.o.v
Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be a dad with the girl I love. I can't believe this.
"I'm gonna get some food to make dinner, call every one to come over at like.... 5:30" he said leaving. I take out my phone and call the guys and tell them to come over for dinner, then I call Donna and Gerard's dad, then I tell Scott to be here, and then I tell my parents if they want to come over. and Gerard tells me that he also invited his grandmother Elena. as Gerard was cooking food it was already 5:30 and I put on a red button up with black skinny jeans and Gerard puts on black skinny jeans and a black tee-shirt. first Scott and Kyle came, then Donna came with Elena, and the guys came in but after we wait a bit my mother comes but not my father. she sits down next to Donna and Scott doesn't speak to her. every one got and ate there food. Gerard looks at me and smilies.
"Guys we have some thing to tell every one." he said I get up and grab the paper and sit back down.
"I'm pregnant." I said holding out the paper. every one cheered and gasped. my mother looked at me wide eyed with no feeling.
"I'm so happy for you!" Donna said smiling.
"Awesome guys!" Scott said.
"Woohoo!" Ray said.
"Get a abortion," my mother said, I glare at her, "you two aren't mature enough for a kid."
"I've had this apartment for a while now so," I said sassing her.
"You basically got this handed to you on a silver plater, and look how crapy it is." she said sipping her glass of water.
"I pay for this, I invited you into my home, as a mother you should support your child." I said getting angered.
"I'm not going to support a child that I didn't want." she said. I just got broken. every one is in science.
"I welcomed you to my apartment, I fed you. I will be treated with respect in my home! As I do in yours! I don't care who you are but I will have respect, you can get now!" I yelled pushing her out the door. I sat down next to Gerard and put my face in my hands and cried as Gerard was rubbing my back whispering "I'm so sorry Helena."
"Honey it's fine you have us were your family now, you have us." Elena said coming over and hugging me.
"Thank you." I said.
Every one told me how happy they are for me and that I have them. I wipe away the tears and look at my family I have.
"So how far are you?" Donna asked.
"The doctor said 7 weeks." I answered.
"thats nice." she said. it was nine in the afternoon and every one started to leave and I went to sleep.

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