Ch.15 Cutting the feelings away when you cant

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I went to the Brendon Urie orphanage and cry I leave Delilah there and nock on the door and ran behind a the bushes, a lady opens the door and picks up Delilah and the note that went with her.
'Please take care of my baby girl
Name:Delilah Arthur Way'
I ran off and went the rest if my life not knowing where Gerard did or what Delilah had done.

Gerard's p.o.v
I woke up to an empty bed I get up and went to see if Delilah was okay and she wasn't there. i panic I look every where only to find a note.
'Dear Gerard,
You've been drunk every night for the past few weeks and haven't been home during the day. I decided to pack Delilah and my things and left. Delilah will be better off with out ether of us in her life. I'm sorry.
-your love,
I drop down to the floor and cry. I didn't eat, I didn't drink, I didn't get up for any reason. I laid there for days awake sometimes I would roll over or shift but the guys would never make me talk they eventually drove me to the hospital. when we got home and started touring again I drank, did drugs and cut away the feelings when I couldn't. they just stayed there tugging at my heart making me feel pain and depressed eventually I came friends with Patrick stump and Brendon Urie about two years later we had this idea that if we adopted a kid that they would be the best kid ever. so we went along with the idea and I looked on the Brendon Urie orphanage website and I found Delilah.

Cutting the feelings out when you can't (a Gerard way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now