Who Am I | Chapter 2

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002 | The art of Qualmishness

''HEY there, Mr. Soleil. Sorry to interrupt. How do you feel?''

It only took Boo, a mere second to study all the key-factors of her face. She was young. Brunette, with a couple blonde streaks in her hair. Pretty. Hazel-eyed with lashes and almond eyes to frame her oval face. Already an upgrade from half the other nurses.

''I feel nauseous.'' He told her in all honesty. Puking had really taken its toll on him.

She shot him a sad smile. ''Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Soleil. If there's anything I can do to make your experience better, anything. Whether it's an extra pillow. Or a thicker blanket. You let me know, alright?

He nodded.

She slipped on a pair of latex gloves. ''Do you mind if I check your wrists? I just need to make sure your veins are where its at, so I can hook up your IV and get the rest of your medication running.''

Her eyebrows creased. ''Have you been keeping hydrated?''

''Not as much as I should be. I find it hard to keep anything down at the moment, even water.''

''That's doesn't sound too good, let me try and see if I can find your vein.''

The door shot open behind her, revealing the faces of his grandparents, his parents, and his otherwise socially awkward best friend, Teddy.

His grandma stopped at the foot of his bed. Whilst the others took seats beside him. ''Oh.... I'm so sorry, my love. As soon as we heard about what happened. We booked it here.''

His mother shot the elderly woman she called mother a sharp glare. ''He'll be fine, Maman. We got through it once, we'll get through it again.''

Yes, the two had beef. Ever since she had decided she didn't like the woman her son had decidedly married and had a cancerous kid with.

''I think it's the medicine.'' Grandpa went with his conspiracy theories again. ''He was completely fine until he went and visited this place.'' He grumbled with his bottom lip jutted out in a grumpy way.

''Maybe, they want to keep him in the hospital, so they can make us pay out of our pockets, only to kill him off later – ''

''Henry!'' Grandmother reprimanded.

''Sara, all I'm saying is. The medicine is making it worse.''


The three fell into an argument, only naturally leaving Teddy to climb up on the bed with him to hold his hand.

''You're all set, Mr. Soleil.'' The young nurse smiled. Seeming unaffected by the loud atmosphere. ''I'll check in on you later, and make sure you have enough pillows and blankets.''

''Thanks.'' He told her, clearing his throat in hopes of it not being so dry. ''Can you bring me something to eat?'' He asked. ''I'm kind of hungry, but kind of nauseous.''

''Right now, while your nauseous. It's best to eat something light on your stomach. I'll have somebody make you a small bowl of oatmeal.''

He thanked her again. His eyes following her until she disappeared around the corner. It only took a second for the second wave of nausea to hit him. The room was spinning this time. He shut his eyes painfully tight.

Teddy nudged his hand. ''I think you've got this.''

''Hm?'' He hummed in response. Trying to focus on anything that wouldn't make him even more remotely nauseous or dizzy.

''You've beat this once.'' Teddy assured him, tracing the freckles on the back of his hand with a brush of his thumb. ''You'll beat it again, I believe in you. And soon, you'll be back in school. And we can suffer through PE, together.''

Boo entwined their fingers together.

'' – do you think Boo?'' His parents asked, after realizing their behavior was childish.

He yawned and flipped over to his side. ''I think, I'm gonna try and get some sleep.''

''Whatever you want, mon chéri.'' His mother smiled softly, with an undertone of sadness. ''Teddy lets drop you home – ''

''Actually, can Teddy stay?''

The other looked up in surprise. Halfway in the process of climbing out of the bed.

''Just for a little while, at least?'' He pressed the recline button on the side of the bed. ''Teddy makes it easier for me to fall asleep.'' And that was true. They'd always cuddled during sleepovers, which made it loads easier for him to fall asleep with his insomnia looming over his head.

''Yes... of course. We'll see you boys later.'' His father said.

With that – along with the warm fuzzy feeling of Teddy's hoodie at his back – he fell into one of his rare, deep sleeps. It was dark when he awoke again, and Teddy was long gone. His imprint left in the bed, but his warmth long gone.

His father was carrying him on his back, being that he was too weak and drowsy, to make it all the way to the Silver Honda sitting in the parking-lot.

''See you tomorrow Boo! For your next treatment.''

He mumbled something incoherently in response. Resting his head over his father's shoulder.

''You'll be alright, bud.'' He assured. Stroking the younger's curls. ''Everything will be okay, just rest.''

Boo allowed himself to relax. Feeling his lips curl into a faint smile, one last time, before he allowed his eyes to shut again.

The world passed by in a daze. A blink of the eye. City-lights, and lamp-posts ran across the windows. The wind lifting up a wisp of a stray curl from off his forehead.

He didn't remember much after that though, except for giving in. And letting the sleep consume him entirely.

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