Who Am I | Chapter 6

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006 | The Art of Vast Infatuation 

Quand vient l'hiver et le grand froid

When winter comes and the big cold

On voudrait tous mourir

We all want to die

Comme si c'était la première fois

Like it's the first time

''BOO?'' The used to be Caramel-Brunette, with a soft-Cottoned beanie atop his head, and knees and fluffy socks pulled comfortably to his chest, looked up at the sound of his name. Sliding his headphones down the back of his neck, ''Yeah?''

''You have a visitor.''

Great, it must've been his grandparents. His parents typically walked in unannounced, and he certainly was not in the mood to deal with faux sympathy, and over the moon conspiracy theories.

Maybe, if he closed his eyes tight enough and didn't move an inch, they'd think he was sleeping and leave.

Knowing them, they'd probably stay in there until he woke up.

''Who is it?'' Before the words could make it past the decibels of his croaky voice, and cracked lips, a familiar looking blonde sauntered into the room like he owned the place.

A smile confined of nothing short of Euphoric bliss erupted, butterflies taking place where his nerves and organs were located.

''Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.''

Boo made space and patted the empty spot beside him, but Andrei chose to sit on the chair at his bedside, moving the younger's bag to rest on his lap. After getting sent a questioning look, Andrei answered. ''Didn't want to make you nauseous or anything by being too close. A couple nurses warned me, and I'm pretty sure I smell like outside.'' He stated, sniffing himself.

''Yeah, you do smell like outside.'' And if he was being honest, it was kind of nauseating. After breathing in the Hospital air and gross smelling medication all day. However, his signature citrus-y scent made it tolerable for the boy.

''How're you feeling?'' The pretty blonde asked, after situating himself. Sliding out of his shoes.

''Gross.'' Boo said truthfully. Everything was making him feel nauseous right now, and sick. He wasn't sure what to do with himself. If he should just take a nap, and sleep the rest of the day away, or if he should just tough it out and find something to do, like play cards with the nurses, or other patients he had acquainted himself with.

''If there's anything I can do to make you feel better, or feel less nauseous - ''

''Just... stay.''


Boo rolled his eyes, tiredly. ''No, outside.'' Andres got up, ''Yes, in here.'' He patted the spot beside him, and with a great hesitance, Andrei made his way over.  His warmth his body produced was refreshing, and Boo didn't waste another second before hooking a freezing leg around his.

Teddy had vastly rubbed off on him.

Boo swore he wasn't a cuddly person until he met Teddy, and their nicknames for each other, Tiddy, and Boob, had made an acute impression around the small Children's Hospital. 

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