Who Am I | Chapter 14

14 4 2

014 | The art of ambiguity

''OKAY, so be mindful, I'm not a professional, and I'm damn sure not a pro at playing this thing,''

Boo rolled his eyes at the nervousness raking the older gentleman's posture as he placed the wooden guitar on his lap, eyes flickering from side to side, he straightened up after getting a wind of Boo's exaggerated yawn.

He quirked an amused eyebrow, brushing a few strands of blonde away from his face.

''What? I'm not getting any younger, and besides, you've already played for me before. It shouldn't be any different now.'' Was his reassurance.

Andrei flicked a random string, feeling the instrument vibrate underneath his hands, before lowering it to the ground instead. Running his fingers through the unruly strands of blonde that chose to terrorize his eyes. ''I know, it's just... this time were not in the hospital. We're alone.'' His forehead furrowed as he thought about it, ''Speaking of, why did you run from it?''

''Stop trying to change the subject and just play already, so I can get at least one thing crossed off my list.''

''For your bucket list.'' He said more to himself than anyone. ''Right.'' That seemed to be enough motivation for him to pick the guitar back up. ''Do I have to sing too? Or just... play?''

Boo shot him a blank look, looking over his list before reading it aloud. ''Number nine, see my favorite band perform live, or get Andrei to sing me a list of songs as an alternative.''

''Sorry, I must be hearing you wrong, because I thought I heard you say you wanted me to sing a list of songs? A list of songs?''

Boo smiled in the slightest. ''Nope, you heard me exactly right! If I can't see my favorite band perform live, I wanna hear you sing live.''

Andrei's lips fell in a way that was dejected. ''Boo, you've heard me sing live. Many, many times.''

''Actually a majority of those times I've fallen asleep through more than half of it because of my Chemo, and -- ''

''Then what makes now any different?'' He sounded indifferent.

''This time I'm sitting in front of you, wide awake, and there's no way I'm gonna fall asleep this time 'round, and besides. You agreed to help me, and this will cross the first thing off my list.''

Realizing he was in fact right he let out a deep sigh, dulling his head to rest on the back of his seat before sitting up and grabbing the guitar. ''I can sing anything?''

''Anything you want.''

He brought his fingers to the strings, and for a minute he just strummed a melody that was distinctively familiar whilst simultaneously... unfamiliar. His eyes -- a mixture of the shimmery surface of the ocean, surrounded by a path of plantation -- that Boo had found himself staring into far too often, were closed as his lips began singing the words to a song that felt more bittersweet than anything Boo had ever heard.

It related to him in every way possible.

''We hope you enjoy your stay,'' He sang softly, and Boo felt everything in the background fade into nothing. Lost in oblivion. A torment of thoughts.

It's good to have you with us

Even if it's just for the day

We hope you enjoy your stay

Outside the sun is shining

It seems like heaven ain't far away

A tear escaped from his eye as he picked up the tempo on the Base guitar. He didn't know what he had been expecting when he had told the blonde to sing, but he wasn't expecting to cry of all things on a day he was supposed to be doing something that'd make him happy.

Crossing the first thing off his list.

''It's good to have you with us, even if it's just for the day,''

Andrei looked startled when he opened his eyes, expecting to see a pleased smile, instead of a face red with tears.

Boo almost laughed at the look on his face. Almost. He was still choking on his tears, trying to stop the wetness on his cheeks from falling before the blonde had a heart attack.

He ended up laugh-sobbing, not being able to hold a chortle at the constipated look on Andrei's face. The mix of emotions had Andrei eventually chuckling as well once he realized Boo was indeed fine, and it took them both a couple of minutes to compose themselves.

And took Boo even longer to sharpie a slash through number nine on his bucket-list, though when he did it he felt happier than ever, doing a celebratory dance with his arms, humming the lyrics to some Michael Jackson song.

Thriller, Andrei realized, unable to hide the upturn of his lips at his giddiness. He realized in that moment that he was willing to do anything to keep that smile on his lips at all times.

''What?'' Boo asked defensively when he caught the blonde staring. ''You got a staring problem or what, buddy?'' They both cracked up at his trash attempt at a Brooklyn accent.

''Fuggedaboutit!'' Andrei humored him, smiling a bit at the stunned look plastered on his face.

''That was actually spot on.''

He rolled his eyes in whatever, lips upturned at the corners. ''What's next on your list?''

He glanced at his list again, deciding to save the harder ones for last. ''Number six . . . '' Live to see my hair grow back. Live would be too depressing to say, and he wasn't really in the mood for the looks of sympathy so he settled on the words, ''See my hair grow back, or get a wig to speed up the process.''

''To the wig store we go!''

''Aye, aye, captain!''

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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