Who Am I | Chapter 13

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013 | The Art of displacement

A woman with blonde hair clipped back in a low-hanging ponytail, sat at a cubicle, picking at some imaginary lint on her burgundy sweater, clicking away on her assigned desktop, and humming some distinctly familiar tune that had been stuck inside her head for the past five-and-a-half hours.

She was incredibly bored, covering the shift of a coworker who'd purposely called out to avoid. She hated the sitting jobs, anything that had to do with typing all day, and enjoyed reading a good book in her free time, however, today she wasn't on her A-game.

Something was off, and she couldn't help but feel that way, no matter what she did to get that feeling out of her chest.


She looked up at the sound of her name, startled for some reason. ''Hm?''

It was Jack from accounting, with his half-hearted attempt at sweeping his hair to cover a bald spot, and his greying stache. ''You mind making copies, and emailing this off to Mr. Stanford? I'm on my lunch break.''

She shot him a blank look, one that meant she was silently seething, however, when she saw the unease darting in his features, she cooled it with a small smile. ''Of course.''

''Thanks Rose! You're the best.''

''The best I am.'' She mumbled, stapling the paperwork, as she began setting up the printer.

'' . . . Rose?''

''Again?'' She huffed.

It was Quincy this time.... her nicer coworker.


''Your last name's Soleil right?''

She looked alarmed. ''Yeah? Why?''

''You've got a worried hospital on the line.''

She immediately ran to snatch the phone out of her grip. ''Hello?''

''Is this Mrs. Soleil?''

''Yes, yes, what's going on? Is this involving my son?''

A long silence.

She silently urged them to continue on.

''Yes.... your son apparently left the hospital a couple of hours ago... and we can't seem to locate him.''

The phone hit the floor with a clank!

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