Who Am I | Chapter 8

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''HOW'S it feel being back at home after living in the hospital for like three and-a-half weeks? Teddy quizzed, on Friday afternoon. Both boys in the process of completing their everyday routine, of taking out necessary books, and leaving the rest inside until they had to use it again.

''Feels great.'' Boo chipped in all honesty, something was bothering him though, his parents. They'd been keeping something from him, anybody who had lived with them as long as he did would notice it too.

''Oh no, what's that face? Something happen? David?''

''Nah... it's just. My parents, they've been acting weird ever since their last visit with Doctor Patrick, and I can't figure out if it's something I did to make them act this way.''

Teddy threw an arm around his shoulder, ''Boob, look, I say this as a loving, caring, friend, you've gotta stop blaming yourself for things that don't even involve you. I'm sure they've got a perfectly good reason for keeping whatever it is from you, and you,'' He nudged him in the forehead. ''Gotta stop overthinking things, its probably not even as serious as you think it is. Maybe, their in the process of making another child, you never know.''

''I don't think they even want another child after me. I'm in the hospital 25/8, without a single clue if the Chemo's working, or if I'm just wasting everybody's time and money, and gonna die anyways.'' 

Teddy threw a glare over his shoulder. ''I'd slap you if I had any free hands. Don't say things like that, you idiot. You might jinx yourself,''

Boo rolled his eyes, deep into the back of his head.

''And besides, the Chemo is helping, I can feel it. Our friend telepathy is telling me, you will make it, you will get better, and you will beat cancer once and for all. You already did it once, so I know you have enough fight in you to overcome, matter of fact!'' He pulled out his cell-phone, switching the camera to point at themselves. ''I'm recording this moment for the vlog, so we can dwell on your words, when you get better.'' He stated, a proud smile hanging loosely on his lips.


He had said when, not if.

That's why he loved Teddy, he could always count on him to shut down any stupid thoughts or ideas, or even insecurities, and make him feel better.

And he was always there when he needed him most, which was why he vowed to always put his best-friend first, no matter where he was, because his best friend was always there for him -- like later for example, providing the comfort of his hand for him to hold as his least-favorite nurse, Patty or something like that, stuck him with a needle. Claiming, 'it was just a shot to prevent him from getting exposed to any easy infections or colds.' He thought it was just an excuse for her sadist self to see him in pain.

She was secretly evil, he had convinced himself in his younger years, after he had been witness to the evil witch snarling at a cute Alopecia baby. 

Evil he shuddered

''You're all done, kid.'' She declared. Wiping the area with a disinfectant wipe, and placing a band-aid in place of the needle.

 He slid off the chair, uttering a thanks as a sign of manners, so it wouldn't reflect badly on his parents, exiting the room and making his way towards the bathrooms to wait for Teddy, who had gone in a bit ago, saying the words, 'do not fret, Teddy has eaten Hospital food in a desperate rampage, and it did not sit well with his stomach,'

He certainly wasn't going to rush him, the lad was riding back with them the whole way, and his dad was the type who never rolled the windows down unless it was absolutely an emergency.

And after seeing a heavy-set guy rush in, clutching his stomach and looking like he was ready to blow the toilets out, he suddenly wasn't one for waiting outside the bathrooms anymore.

Luckily, his parents were somewhere nearby. Probably still asking questions about what ingredients the nurses used in their cookie batter.

He collided with Andrei on his way there, beaming up at him. ''Andrei, you're here! It's pretty late for you.''

Andrei did a half-smile, half-shrug thing, ''Yeah, its nice to see you and all, but I really gotta get going.''

Boo's eyes caught on the blue band around his wrist. ''A hospital bracelet? Were you admitted too? What happened?''

That's when Andrei decided he was in too much of a rush to engage in anymore chit-chat. He jogged down towards the entrance/exit. Leaving Boo staring confusedly after him.

Was everybody acting weird today?

He rounded a corner, hearing the voices of his parents and his doctor getting louder the closer he got.

'' - only son, Doctor. So, I understand your concern, but there has to be something you can do to help him.''

It was his father's upset voice.

His steps slowed, as their words became more clear to him.

''I can't lose him.'' His mother's voice, she sounded like she was crying. ''He's my only family, Please, Doctor, please, I'll donate blood, I'll do the blood transfusion thing you suggested, just please don't let him die.'' She sobbed.

''I'm sorry but, there is nothing that can be done. He is dying, Mrs. Soleil. I'm sorry...''

Realization dawned on him, and realization turned into dread, his eyes blurring as he slowly backed away.


It couldn't be... he was dying?

Hearing a nurse come off the elevator, he turned on his feet and ran, crashing into Teddy.

'' - esus Christ! I'd recommend not going into that bathroom for at least an hour,'' He took in Boo's wattery eyes. ''What's wrong, Boob?''

He . . . he was dying. All this time, all this wasted effort on what? A boy who wouldn't even make it to see his next birthday?

The only response he gave was a choked sob, knees hitting the floors.


That was the last thing he heard before his world went black

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