Chapter 12|The call of duty

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"Have we triggered her?"

"Yes master." Replied the man, bowing his head.

"Biluda, make sure you keep an eye on her. She'll lead us to the book."

"Your wish is my command." Replied Biluda. With a curt bow, he marched out of the dark hall and out to the large fields filled with delicate white dandelions.

Walking through the field, he reach the curtain, it stood like a transparent divide between two halves. Pushing the slit, he crossed over.

It felt the same, the dandelions continued to sway in the breeze until he suddenly sat in his vehicle- a petal shaped tin.

It was transparent and reflected the sky, and just as it lifted off the field, it vanished in no time.

Vatsala was not at ease, her mind seemed to keep pointing out at something that was being ignored by the commoners.

Sitting up on her bed, she looked out at the full moon from her window and mumbled, "My workers turned ash, entire village in Egypt this connected to....that book?"

Something in her heart said it was.

"If it really is...I must get that book back from Kripacharya." She muttered. Without a second thought, she packed her clothes and other essentials and sneaked out of the house.

Running all the way from the village to the dockyard, she scuffled into an empty ship and hid in a large basket.

She stretched and yawned and looked around, she gasped realising she was still in the basket and cautiously lifted the lid and came out, stumbling a little.

Climbing up the wooden ladder, she narrowed her eyes to the sunlight pouring into the little gap between the deck and the dark lower bunk.

As soon as her eyes adjusted to the light, she walked towards the railing and watched the bright blue water lapping at the ship.

Very soon she'd reach the little port at Dal lake. Her heart thudded with the anticipation of seeing her grandfather after so many years. What was she going to tell him? She wondered if she should talk about what she wants to do, but decided against it. After all, her grandfather was against this right from the start.

But now that she was a grown woman, she could make her own choices and hold herself liable for anything that happened in her life. Right or wrong, she'd get to the bottom of this.

Biluda stood at the opposite end and watched the young woman with halk eyes.

An evil smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he reminisced an old memory....

"We've failed master." Said the assassins in one voice. "We deserve death."

The master remained silent, he had faced failure after failure.

"Bring him." Snarled the master.

"You don't have to bring me." Came the sharp voice. It echoed across the large partially empty court.

The dark shades of grey and black made the place look like a graveyard. But the man, as bright as sun seemed to illuminate the place.

There was some sort of undeniable divinity in him which seemed to expel the darkness of evil.

His bold stride, seemed to infuriate the master.

"You seem bolder." Said the master.

"I was born bold." Smirked the man. His eyes sparkled hazel green. "This is the last warning. If you don't stop now, you'll wake him up."

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