Chapter 26| The good, the bad and the ugly

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"There's Anga..." Said Vatsala pointing out to the harbor which stood blurry yet bustling against the horizon.

Ashwatthama narrowed his eyes against the bright morning sun, as they drew closer to the harbor. His heart thudded loudly, his breathing seemed to quicken as memories of the battle flooded his mind.

Squeezing his eyes, he pressed the bridge of his nose as his a dull throbbing ache had creeped it's way into his head. A single tear ran down against his wrinkled skin.

Opening his eyes, he exhaled sharply trying his best to curtail his emotions. The ship continued to near the harbour.

He continued to gaze at the harbor, as his ears yearned for the sound of his native language. The sea gulls squawked and the porters shouted and went about their work.

Narrowing his eyes he found Vrushali and Karn standing by the port waving at him. Ashwatthama's eyes went wide in astonishment for a moment, only to realize he had been hallucinating.

A pang a pain ate into his heart as the unending slaughter of his friends and family began flashing before his eyes. Unable to hold back the pain and remorse, tears ran down his eyes.

A gentle touch on his shoulder made him immediately wipe away his tears and sniff hard, putting up an image of a strong willed man.

"After all these still suffer from survivors guilt?" Asked Danaë, her eyes moist with concern.

Ashwatthama exhaled sharply, leaning against the railing of the huge wooden vessel.

"Don't worry about's Vrishaketu I'm worried about..." He replied, repressing his innate urge to burst into tears.

Andromeda bit her bottom lip glancing at Perseus who appeared lost....

His bright blue eyes were fixed on an image that were visible to his own eyes. A large vessel floated by, and a little lad's deep blue eyes bored into his soul.

"You've forgotten everything haven't you?"

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"You've forgotten everything haven't you?"

"Who are you....why do you look like me?" Demanded Perseus, feeling the world around him blur and fade into a buzz.

It was just him and the little lad, in two ships, face to face, demanding answers to a forgotten past.

"I'm you, you're me. Look around...this was where you were born. This was where you lost your home and family..."

"I've heard that countless times..." Sighed Perseus. "But that doesn't answer the question of who I really am, nor why I'm here..."

"You'll learn...." He smirked....


"What!" He exclaimed snapping from his trance.

"We've arrived." Said Andromeda, making Perseus gaze at the gangway that dropped from the ship to the dock.

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