Chapter 15

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****Demetra’s POV****

I sat frozen, my eyes wide with realization as my worst fears were coming to life. An enemy impossible to defeat. The Colonel’s words echoed in my ears as I gripped the arms of the chair, ready to snap them off. As Cap answered the questions about the mission, I slowed my heart down and composed myself.

“Did he recognize you?” I asked gently, still trying to keep my temperature under control or else this place was going to go up in flames.

“He seemed to…but he saw me as an enemy. I…I don’t know what happened to him.”

“He’s been brainwashed. By Loki.”

“But how is he alive?” questioned Steve.

I took a deep breath. “Loki’s attack on New York isn’t going to be the last invasion from an extraterrestrial force. The attack was more of a practice run, to see how Earth would react to a threat as such. Now they know, so they are sending a more equal match. But their best hopes and fighters are scattered throughout time. For the leader of this force, this isn’t a problem. What Philips said was true. The leader is an enemy impossible to defeat. Death.”

The room was silent as everything sunk in. I continued. “There’s a Titan associated with Death. Thanos. He’s allied with Loki and supplied him the Chitauri. He’s the one in charge of everything and means to rule the entire universe, all the realms, with the Tesseract in his possession. Judging by the fact that people who were once dead are now alive, Thanos can bring people back from the dead and put them under his control.”

“Zombie Apocolapsye?” Stark offered and I quickly turned my steely gaze on him, which shut him right up.

“But we can switch them back right? Like Agent Barton?” Steve asked, breaking the silence.

I shrugged. “I don’t know. Anything is possible at this point.”

“We’ve all beaten death before though,” Tony offered. “Banner should be dead by gamma radiation. Rogers should be dead by that plane crash. Demetra should be dead by the mountain implosion. And me, because of shrapnel almost entering my heart.”

“This is a physical form though. And Thanos isn’t Death itself, only has the power to bring people back. But with a power like that…war could go on forever because they would only keep coming back. We can’t fight forever. None of us are immortal and none of us have the strength to fight 24/7.”

“How do you know so much about all this?” Fury questioned, stepping forward. “Seems like someone has trusted you with a lot of important information.”

“Accusing me again?” I scoffed.  “No, I only put the puzzle pieces together quickly, it doesn’t take a damn week to figure out we are in a war we can never win. Thanos is also nicknamed ‘The Mad One,’ a name which I’ve heard while being sleep tortured. I began to think then, and when I woke up, more pieces fit together. It finally all fell into place when the dead started to arrive.”

“So join us,” a cruel, persuading voice whispered in my ear. I swatted at the noise, but my hand only passed through air.

“Spazzing out again?” Fury asked, taking another step closer to me. He wanted to lock me up again, I was sure of it.

“No just an annoying fly,” I lied scanned the people around me, looking for the source.

“One way or another, you shall fight for us,” Loki hissed again and I tensed to keep from flinching away.

Never, I thought. Loki was here, just invisible. And he was going to try to take my mind again.

“Do you know how Loki allied with them?” Thor asked. I almost forgot he was in the room.

I shook my head. “No. But I imagine they offered him great power and control over the earth.”

“Who’s Loki?” Peter asked, looking very lost in this entire conversation.

“My brother,” Thor answered before I could. I would’ve talked about his insane revenge but with Thor in the room, still convinced there was good in him, it wasn’t a smart idea. “He’s the one who led the Chitauri into New York and caused all that destruction. He means to make the human race his slaves.”

“And I will succeed,” he whispered in my ear once again. How was I the only one hearing this?

“He’s crazy,” Parker concluded.

“No he’s not,” I said and all eyes turned to me. “He’s just angry and wants to prove that he’s worth something. I actually pity him a bit.”

“I do not need your pity!” he angrily hissed in my ear and I had to refuse the urge to smirk, victorious in irritating him.

“He just never felt cared for,” I continued. “Which sparks his intense need to grab the attention of everyone. He’s a huge drama queen.”

“Silence!” Loki commanded, shredding his cover of invisibility and flinging me across the room. I landed on my knee and come up with a roll.

He was breathing heavily and clothed in his usually green and gold attire, his spear grasped in his hands. The room was silent and waiting.

“You think me mad,” he stated, eyeing everyone in the room. “But are you truly mad, when you pursue something that is possible?”

“Eliminating an entire race is impossible,” Parker stated bravely. This kid truly had no idea what he was up against.

“Ah the spider-man,” Loki said, pacing a bit. “The mere boy.”

“Loki,” Thor said, stepping towards his brother. “Stand down.”

“I come to collect something of mine,” he said, twirling the spear in his hand.

“What might that be?” inquired Thor.

“Her,” Loki said, pointing at me. I immediately collapsed on the floor in a shrieking heap, clutching my head.

The pain blacked out everything, except for Loki saying a quick goodbye, and then all was silent.

okay this chapter isnt long i know, sorry. but it explains some things. Thanos is revealed!! hahahha

guess what!!! i gots a gay best friend who's straight!! haha :)

okay this wont be long. comment+vote :) <3

The Last HopeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora