Chapter 6

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****Demetra’s POV****

I followed Natasha as she stalked off to the training room. I smirked, she was letting pride get in the way. I was going to kick her ass.

We reached the training room and she kept on walking to the boxing ring. Agent Barton was also there in the room, on the far side, practicing some archery. He immediately stopped and jogged over to us.

“Nat, what are you doing?” he asked as Natasha slipped under the ropes and into the ring.

“Teaching the kid a lesson,” she said and started wrapping her fists with tape.

“Nat, think. This isn’t a good idea,” he reasoned, eyeing me. I stayed silent and she just glared at him.

Natasha finished wrapping her fists and let the first swing loose, right at my face. In a millisecond I grabbed her fist and squeezed hard, maybe breaking a bone or two. There was a flash of pain in her eye but it was soon gone and she swung her other arm towards me and hit my arm, where the inside of my elbow was exposed. I gave way and she leaned down a bit due to inertia. In the millisecond that she fell a tiny bit forward I jerked her that way even more, my hand still clutching her fist, and flipped her onto her back. Before she could get up, I went down also and twisted her arm I was still holding. She used her other free arm to push off the ground and used the strength in the arm I was holding to flip me onto my back.

I let go of her hand, propped both of my arms behind me, and kicked my legs off the floor, hitting Natasha in her face as she was right over me. She stumbled backwards, covering her eye. I got up and crossed my arms. Barton was still watching, outside of the ring. All of the events that had just taken place were under 2 minutes.

“Who trained you?” I asked bluntly.

“Like you would know.” Natasha replied harshly, still covering her eye.

“Was her name Kristen and or Annabelle?” I asked.

“Kristen. How do you know?”

“Her mother trained me. Do you not like me?” I asked, now that we were alone. Barton had gone off to get an ice pack for Natasha. She removed her hand and I could see a nice, black ring around her eye. Hey, now she and Fury matched!

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Tell me,” I replied, a little bit softer this time.

“Seriously? Okay fine then. You think you can just waltz in here, beat up a few people, manage to outrank the Director, and think you’re top agent? No sorry, that’s just not how it works.”

“It’s not like I try, I just do what I’m supposed to and tell the truth. Plus, I didn’t waltz, I can’t dance,” I said and she smiled a bit. It was true, I really couldn’t dance.

“So you can kill 45 people in 3 seconds but can’t dance?”

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