Chapter 5

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hey so i know i havent updated in a while, ive been busy w/ school ugh:( i want to update more, i love writing this story. i just love how demetra is so badass and is like "mess with me and i will torture you beyond imagine" hahahaha:)

so here is chapter 5....i know i left you at a cliffhanger last time.....dont kill me for this...IT HAD TO BE DONE!!!! i asked 2 of my friends about it and they both said the'M SORRY! read, commet, vote, FIND ME STEVE!!! :D <3

“It’s-“ I thought for a moment. Did I really want to tell him this? What if I just make it up? Nobody would know. I could be new person, someone who doesn’t carry the weight of the family business on their shoulders. Everyone who knows must be dead now.

“Don’t lie.”

Coulson! I need you down here now!” Fury barked, his voice coming from Coulson’s earpiece. He sighed and responded.

 “I need to go now.  I’m not really sure if you’re tired or not so you can watch some TV. This is the remote and you press this button…” Phil started explaining to me how to use the TV. I was surprised when it came on in actual color, very sharp picture too. Phil explained what HD was.

 “Phil, can I ask you one more thing?” I asked and Phil turned around.

“What might that be?”

“What’s the date and time?”

He checked his watch. “It is 7:42 P.M. and today is March 2nd, 2010.” He said with a smile and then left.

I nodded and walked back over to the sofa which I laid down on. I picked up the remote and pressed the power button. I flipped through a few channels. One was about this family that had way too much make up, all of them dressed like hookers, and they were definitely not bright. The TV said the show was called Jersey Shore. I continued to look.

I came up to this cartoon thing about superheroes and I noticed that they were comics about Captain America turned into cartoons. I found it hilarious all these little things they got wrong like the suit and all these people and monsters he fought. Wow, this person really had a creative imagination because Rodgers only had Schmidt and the rest of Hydra. I kept flipping.

There was another show about teen moms (ugh, people really had no self-respect or any manners anymore) and I came to this movie about a sinking ship. I remembered hearing about that ship once, the Titanic that sank in the Atlantic in 1912 from hitting an iceberg. I started to watch the movie but I instantly grew bored since it was all about love and stuff. I knew about love. No, I’ve never been in a relationship or had a crush or was in love or anything. I found it all just stupid. I didn’t need another person to rely on, I only needed myself. And love was also terribly dangerous. I never wanted to get too close to someone because when they died, and it could happen at any time, would only leave the other one in ruins. You know what happened to Peggy and Steve.

After a few minutes of the movie, it came to a scene when the ship was sinking and water was flooding. I tensed a bit, I knew even I couldn’t survive that if I got trapped in a room quickly filling with water. Only if the room was fire retardant and unbreakable because I would’ve either burnt down a wall or broken through it.

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