Chapter 8

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he. hehe. HEHEHEHHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

****Demetra’s POV****

Well, this day couldn’t get any worse. But then Thor walked in and I mentally face-palmed myself for thinking that my life couldn’t get any crappier than it was two seconds ago. I mean seriously, it was one tragedy after the next, I never caught a break. I thought I had when I crashed the mountain but the awakening I had was basically life saying Haha we’re not finished with you yet! Hahaha enjoy the misery!

And right now, I felt terrified out of my skin, as the God of Thunder glared at me. “You!” he shouted and pointed his hammer at me. In my opinion, it wasn’t too threatening but it definitely gave a person a massive headache when hit in the head with it. Oh, and it shoots lightning. Yeah, never judge a book by its cover.

“Shit,” I muttered under my breath and then I literally had the breath knocked out of me. Thor tackled me into a wall, creating a rather large dent and a whole pile of debris to come raining down on us. I shoved my way out from underneath the rock and right as my head popped out from under, Thor swung his hammer, whose name I have no hope of remembering, and t hit my head as if we were playing golf. Only my head didn’t fly off, thank goodness.

Thor pulled the rest of my body out with his free arm and threw me across the room. I landed with a roll on the other side and came up on my knee. I stood up and threw my hands up. “WAIT!!!!” I screamed, as he was summoning some lightning to blast me with from his hammer.

“I agree, Thor, please lower your hammer,” said Fury in a calm, collected voice. Oh how I wanted to strangle that bastard right now.

Thor lowered his hammer but his glare did not soften. “This foolish mortal girl, do you know of what she had done?!” he cried out in his Asgardian accent.

“IT WAS A ACCIDENT!” I defended, throwing my hands up.

 “AN ACCIDENT?! FREEING LOKI WAS AN ACCIDENT!?” yelled Thor at me and Fury’s face turned into shock.

“Excuse me?” he asked Thor and I ran my hands through my hair.

“She released him from his holding cell. She fought and killed all of the guards. I was speaking to Loki at the time when she came. We fought, but she unlocked the cage before I could stop her and then they just vanished to someplace I know not,” said Thor, and I had a look of guilt on my face.

“Is this true?” Fury asked me and I felt like I was in a principal’s office.

“Yes,” I responded and Fury’s face turned hard. He started to speak but I did before he could.

“Listen to me. I couldn’t control it. I was-“

“No.” Fury’s jaw was set and his eyes hard as he spoke. “Now either go willingly or we will force you.” He spoke into his ear piece now. “Jade, get me some people in here now to escort Miss Demetra to one of our ‘waiting rooms.’”

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