Chapter 9

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****Demetra’s POV****

“Sie bastard. Ich bin gonna durchdrehen abschuss sie,” I muttered murderously under my breath. (Translation: You bastard. I’m gonna freaking kill you. *was in German*). I wasn’t going to give in, no. I was going to control myself, show him it didn’t bother me while it actually did. No, I would be calm and freak out some other time. But for now, everyone knew and I will forever live in the shadow of the great Tony Stark. Great.

“See? Now that we are all on the same page and everything’s out, everything is better,” Fury said with a sickening smile. I desperately wanted to claw out his other eye with my bare hand but they were tied together. And also that would be bad. So no, not an option.

“Expose him,” whispered an all too familiar voice in my ear. Out of the corner of my eye I looked to my right, but there was no one. I am honestly going insane. But in a flash of a second I was torn away from reality and pulled into the past.


I stood on the metal siding, and as if on fast forward; I saw Thor in the glass container, Coulson getting tabbed, and Loki behind him. I screamed out in warning but no sound came out. Everything around me was silent also. I saw all of this happen under 5 seconds, when the images blurred and I was at the conference table with Steve and Tony sitting at the table, the others I know not where. I saw Fury’s lips move but no sound coming out, and he tossed a blood stained card towards Cap, which he picked up gingerly and had a look of guilt on his face. Tony stormed out of the room. Everything blurred again and I was standing a few feet behind Fury, as he looked out the front of the Hellicarrier. Agent Hill came up next to him, not paying me any attention.

“Sir, Coulson’s cards were in his locker…not in his pocket.”

“They needed the extra push,” he said and a jet flew out in front of the Hellicarrier. I gasped and was pulled back to reality.


My breath caught in my throat and I looked up to Fury, who still had that menacing, smug smirk on his face. I had no idea what happened, though I assumed that Loki had shown me a vision on the past the same way I saw what was happening currently a few months back. Why though?

“You put his blood on the card,” I whispered.

“What do you mean?” Fury asked, confused. At least I got that stupid smug look off.

“You put his blood on the card,” I said more forcefully, tensing.

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” Fury said and turned to leave.

“The blood. On Coulson’s trading cards. You spread his blood on them,” I said, glaring.

“And why would I do that?” He was still playing dumb. Well, he was an amazing actor. But I can expose anyone; especially with the information I had just been given.

“Because they needed the extra push,” I said and smiled smugly, just as he had a few minutes earlier.

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