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-How does Link react to this?-

Aries: Nope. You were smart. He never heard a word.

Taurus: No reaction, Dark never knew who it was.

Gemini: no reaction bc he never got told and was too busy fighting some monsters at night.

Cancer: Link was more terrified of how much detail Dark Link described it with to be concerned about YOU in particular seeing it.

Leo: Nope, Ben spared you. No reaction.

Virgo: Jk he secretly told and Link was surprised and scared that there was NSFW of him.

Libra: No reaction.

Scorpio: No reaction, Dark didn't tell.

Sagittarius: He was purely confused on what NSFW was exactly so Dark explained it to him and he was even more confused as to why you looked at it but he didn't really care TOO much.

Capricorn: Jk somehow you were found out or somethin and Link was from then on terrified of you.

Aquarius: He didn't, nobody told.

Pisces: He blushed. (Ran out of scenarios in mind.)

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