CHAPTER #90!!!

164 3 7

[-Who do you rap the epic nyan cat vs grumpy cat rap battle with?-]

Aries: BEN Drowned

Taurus: Jane The Killer

Gemini: Brian [Hoodie]

Cancer: Sully

Leo: Rouge [she'd kill it. Get it (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)]

Virgo: Ticci Toby [he'd love the digimon theme song I swear he would, I swear, the singer is even how I imagine his voice to sound.]

Libra: Nurse Ann

Scorpio: Eyeless Jack [EJ]

Sagittarius: Clockwork

Capricorn: Judge Angels

Aquarius: Mr.FrownyFace, because you said you'd give him 27 bucks.

Sypher helped him win.

, _
¯\_( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)_/¯

Pisces: Jeff The Killer

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