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-any specific designs?-

Aries: Band names.

Taurus: Your favorite band cover.

Gemini: Homestuck colors. So black, orange-ish red, orange, and yellow.

Cancer: Memes.

Leo: The Walten Files.

Virgo: Yandere-Chan color scheme.

Libra: Creepypasta.    .  >:)

Scorpio: froeg.

Sagittarius: Scene Stripes.

Capricorn: Ke$ha song lyrics.

Aquarius: The Riddler?¿   :])   .

Pisces: Vine quotes from the amazing years.


My hands and head hurt.

Were at 60 parts my lovely insomniacal slugs!!!! HAHAAAAA 940 MORE TO GO.... AH......

Anyways, that was interesting for me to partially revert back to a scene kid in text, Goodnight insomniacal slugs, I know you probably won't or can't sleep, but I shall go now for awhile, as its dark and I now must listen to music in such darkness.

      I'll be seeing you all tomorrow, I may write 2 parts or more tomorrow,

I hope you all liked such a decent surprise of chapters.



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