Dark Memories

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It was a normal cloudy day for the wolf-fox and her mate. They traveled a little out of their territory. They walked looking for pray to eat. Well the black wolf was searching as the wolf-fox was enjoying nature. "Crystal, I know you hate killing and all but..." He looked over to his mate. "Are you even listening to me?" Crystal was brought out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry did you say something Shadow?" Shadow growled but shook it off. 

"I was saying I know how you hate killing but I want you to join me this time." "Is that why you brought me out here?" "Yes....." Crystal looked at him in shock. "You said you wanted to explore the nature around here not hunt." Crystal was now mad and felt like she was back stabbed. "But it was the only way to get you out here." Crystal puffed a fine and continued walking with her mate right behind her.

After a good 10 minutes of searching they found a nice buck that can fill their stomachs nice and full. "Ok Crystal, you're going to scare it to my direction and I'll trap it and kill it. Got it?" Crystal swallowed hard "Y-Yeah..." She started to crawl her way around the buck. When she was in the right place she jumped out the bushes and started to bark at the buck. The buck was startled at first until he looked and heard the bark. He laughed.

"What kind of bark is that." Crystal stopped barking and whined. "You're not scared of me?" "Heavens no!!!! You're like a chihuahua compare to me!!!" The buck laughed harder. Crystal put her ears down ashamed of her foolish thinking. "How did you survived so long with a size and voice like that!?!?!" The buck asked, trying to hold in his laughter. "WITH ME AROUND YOU DINNER ON STICKS!!!!" 

Shadow growled jumping out the bushes and on to the buck. The buck didn't have anytime to react and was tackled on the ground. The dark wolf went for the buck's neck for an instant kill. As the two wrestled, Crystal sat there turned away from the commotion with head down thinking what the buck said. soon the noise of struggling stopped with nothing but the sound of growling. The buck blood was now filling the air. Crystal turned around to a dead buck and a bloody Shadow.

"Are you ok Luv'?" Crystal just nodded, walking up to the her mate and the dead buck. "Crystal don't listen to what he said because it's not true." "I'll be happier if we ate and go home. I'm getting tired." "Ok...." They started to eat and after awhile there was rustling behind them. Shadow's ear perked up at the sound. He stopped eating and turned to the sound. He started to growl. 'Rouges.' Shadow thought. "Crystal." "Hmh?" She muffled up to her mate. "Get behind me. NOW!" He barked and she listened. She got down and went under Shadow a little.

The bushes started to shake more and a paw came out. The paw was connected to a wolf. Soon more wolves followed, growling in hunger. A wolf bigger then all of the others came to the front. Shadow growled more loudly, standing over Crystal protectively. The big wolf was no bigger then Shadow. HE had yellow eyes with 3 scares on his right. His fur was a dark red with battle scars all over. He stared Shadow down.

"What do you outcast want?" Shadow asked harshly trying to put them in their place. "We are hungry and want the buck is all....." The red wolf said in a monotone voice. "Go get your own buck we caught this ourselves." Shadow barked in a commanding voice causing most of the wolves to walk back. The red wolf sighed. "If you do not wish to die you will give use the buck."

He looked down at Crystal. "And your mate as well." He grinned. Crystal looked at him in shocked. Shadow growled. "You've cross the line bringing her into this!!!" The red wolf chuckled and started to circle around them. "She looks healthy enough to bare my pups....." Shadow growled and barked at the rouge for such a thought. 

Crystal stayed quiet thinking of a way to get out the situation unharmed. "You just made yourself a death wish." The red wolf stopped in front of Shadow. "Then come at me bro." He taunted. Shadow never goes down on a fight. He charged and went for the neck growling. "SHADOW NO!!!!" All you saw was blood flying in the air.

 'Why Shadow? Why?........'

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