The Wolf And The Raven

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"My name is Audric." The old wolf said to the young wolf-fox. "That's an unique name. I never heard one like that before." Audric chuckled. "I earned the name meaning old and wise ruler." The youngster gasped. "Was you like an alpha and a warrior?" "More like some wise elder..." The midnight wolf mumbled. 

"Shadow!!!" "What Crystal?" "Quit being rude!!!" Shadow grunted and moved ahead. "You two make a cute and lovely couple..." Crystal looked ahead with sadness. "You could say that...." Audric looked over at the sad mutt. 

He thought for a minute. "You know he needs you more then you need him....." "Yea but every time I try to show some affection he pushes away not wanting any of it." Crystal complained. "Maybe he does that because he doesn't know how to deal with it...." Crystal went deep in thought about that while walking forward. 

"CAW!!!" Audric and Shadow looked up to the sound of wings beating from above. Crystal still moved forward unaware of her surroundings. "Ahhh..... Wolfram, it's so nice to see you again. Where have you been my dear feathered friend?" Audric asked the raven. 

The raven landed on Crystal while she was still walking. "Caw..." Shadow growled a bit. "Get off her! She isn't some branch you can just land on!!!" Shadow shooed the bird off of Crystal causing him to bump her. The raven went over to Audric, landing on his head. 

Audric just chuckled at the sight. Crystal was on the ground while Shadow was growling at the bird. "How did I get down here?" Crystal stood up and looked around, stopping her sight on the black bird. "What a pretty bird!" "This my young friend is Wolfram meaning the wolf raven." The old wolf informed Crystal. 

Wolfram bowed his head, greeting Crystal. "Named him myself." "That is an excellent name. Hello Wolfram, I'm Crystal. And that grumpy head over there is Shadow." She mumbled the last part. "Caw!" Shadow barked at the noise and walked off. "Sorry about his attitude Wolfram.... his not use to others...." 

Crystal started to follow Shadow back to the den. "He doesn't mind it, he gets that attitude all the time." Audric said following right behind Crystal. "Maybe you can stay for the night!" "I don't wish to cause any trouble." "No no it's fine!" Audric chuckled. "And you too Wolfram!" "Caw!"

Shadow growled. Crystal walked up to him. "Shadow um, are you ok?" "My body is sore that's all. Can you please leave me alone now?" Crystal whined. "But Shad-" "NOW!" The midnight wolf barked and walked faster leaving behind a said wolf-fox. "It's fine little one, he just needs to let out some stress and steam..." "If you say so...." They continued to walk to the den.

As they made it to the den, Shadow disappeared deeper in the rocky part as Crystal, Audric, and Wolfram stayed near the entrance. "I hope he'll be ok..." Crystal whispered laying down to rest her paws as the old wolf did the same. "He'll be fine he is a strong wolf. I'm surprised you guys aren't in a pack or something." Crystal put her head down on her front legs.

"Well Shadow would always be disrespectful to the alphas and I'm not even a full wolf...." "Doesn't mean you can't make your own." Crystal looked at the raven that was pecking the ground before her. "And it seems Wolfram wants to join in on the plan." Audric chuckled at the raven's way of bowing.

"So cute...... Ok Wolfram you can join. You too Audric!!!" Crystal said putting her head up and wagging her tail. Shadow started to walk out of the shadows. (lol I made a funny) Crystal stopped wagging and put her head down in a respectful way. She did not wish to anger Shadow more.

"Crystal...." Shadow said walking in front of her. "Yes?" She answered looking up. Shadow lowered his head near hers. "I'm sorry I snapped at you like that.... I was just frustrated..... about that fight....." "It's ok Shadow..." Shadow nuzzled Crystal a bit and laid next to her eyeing the raven. "What's wrong with him?"

"He wants to join our pack." Crystal laughed at the raven. "We have no pack so beat it." Shadow growled at the bird. "Caw!" The raven flew back a bit. "But I want to make one. It can be you, Wolfram, Audric, and me!!!" "No."Shadow stated bluntly and turned his head.

"Please???" Crystal asked but all she got was a grunt in response. "I'll take that as a fine!!!" Crystal wagged her tail again. "There are roles in the pack you know?" Audric said to the young mutt. "Roles in the pack? What are roles?"

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I'll like to thank Thunder_the_hedgehog for helping me out with the old wolf name. And thank you readers for reading, voting, and commenting. It just means so much to me. I love you guys. ~Peace Wolf Pack

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