Roles in a Wolf Pack

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The midnight wolf grunted once more and rolled on his side, barely touching his young wolf-fox mate. "Roles are what keep the pack in line, in order, in check, by the alpha's perspective, and keeps it strong and together." The wise wolf started to explain. Crystal nodded in understanding. "What 'roles' are there?" 

Audric smiled, "I'll tell you the simple roles. There's the Alpha, which is the pack's leader. The Alpha takes the responsibility for the entire pack. Sometimes the Alpha isn't the toughest or meanest wolf. They lead hunts and rely on their Betas for aid." They both glanced at the resting wolf next to the young mutt. Shadow knew they were looking at him but decided to ignore it, too busy with trying to ease his wounds with rest. "Next is the Luna, the Alpha's mate. She's like a female version of the Alpha but she still respects the Alpha as the leader that he is." Crystal wagged her tail a bit when hearing this. 

"Betas are highly thought of wolves that help lead hunts. Watch fights with Alpha for rank promoting of lesser wolves. They also are in charge when the alpha and Luna in not there. Lastly the Omega." Shadow growled in a bit of dislike to the word making Crystal tilt her head. "The Omega has, well how should I say this," The old wolf look over to his raven friend, "That role isn't the best... Its actually the worst but it is important. They are the lowest rank in the pack, and are almost always in a submissive crouch in the presence of others. They always get rough treatment from the pack but the submission diffuses any tension in the pack and likely reduce fighting among mid-ranking wolves. Omega's often like to keep the mood light so they would sometimes play tag with the others so they could chase the Omega." 

Audric yawned after explaining so much information. Crystal on the other hand was upset for the poor role of the Omega. "That's not right or fair at all!" She argued for them. "Life's not fair..." Shadow mumbled back causing the mutt to pout. She huffed out to herself knowing the dark wolf would just brush off her affectionate comments, "But I found you..." Shadow kept his composer but blushed at her retort to him. In his mind he was jumping with happiness, but the outside would not allowed such foolishness. 

Audric chuckled a bit while Wolfram cawed, noticing Shadow as well. The youngster tilted her head once more, "What's so funny?" "Oh nothing little one, it's just your relationship with the dark one is cute and interesting. They do always say opposites attract." The nearly blind wolf informed Crystal's confusion. Shadow then sat up, "Come on Crystal, we should wash our wounds before they get infected." Crystal listened to her mate and followed. "You guys come too! The river we live next to is very beautiful and nice to look at!" The small mutt smiled at her new companions.

The old wolf stood and smiled back. The raven followed suit on its small little legs, giving its wings a rest. Shadow just shook his head and went forward, leading the way. His pack. 'I kind of like the sound of that...' Shadow hummed lowly to himself. Content with his new life. He glanced back a bit, Crystal looking at the small bird next to her and smiling her life away. He smiled a bit at this. 'As long as it's with her... I'm fine with almost anything.' He looked forward once more, nearing the river. 

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