Once I was lost...

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Hank POV

I was in a dark room, I could see anything. But then something appeared in front of me...

?: right... what the hell kind of name is [REDACTED] eh? How'd a muppet like you pass selection?

H: my old captain?

He just phased away... what the fuck is happening?

?: I can tell you that.

H: who are you? Why are you showing me this?

?: I'm someone you have long forgotten... and the things you've seen... they're memories but you should know that.

H: memories? So everything that I have seen... it's true... I had a live outside of Nevada?

?: correct. But the employers wanted you and they always get what they want.

H: the employers? But their my most trusted contractors... but it would make sense...

?: shall I remind you who you are?

H: maybe... I don't know if I want to...

?: you successfully managed to break the imprint. You deserve to know. You're flashbacks, tell me what you've seen.

H: world war 3 was mentioned... did I take part in it?

?: very correct. You were a German soldier who made a name for himself in the war.

H: what did I do?

?: I can't tell you.

H: so I'm german?

?: maybe... you fought for the German side.

H: a yes or no question too difficult for you?

?: our time is limited. The employers won't be happy with your recent achievements. I'm sure you will prevail.

H: do you have to be so cryptic about everything? I don't even understand you.

?: maybe.

H: fuck you.

?: insulting me won't change anything.

H: Smart ass... so what happens now?

?: now? Wake up soldier! Now's not the time to die. Get your ass back in the fight!


I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I was alone... I was still hanging upside down and the floor was covered in blood. Probably my blood...

I tried to break free from the meathook I was attached to. After some effort I was finally free. I was dropped to the floor and tried to get up. I fell down again. I felt weaker than usual but my rage will keep me strong.

I noticed that my mask was gone. My jaw was exposed and my mouth was covered blood.

H: puking blood is a nice thing... damn how much blood do I have in me? Shouldn't I be dead? Meh... I always was a dead man walking.

Wank: rise and shine Hank. Rise and shine. Alright let's get out of here shall we?

H: got it.

Wank: let's make a massacre!

I broke the door open witch was keeping me from escaping and went into the hallway.

H: now I have to find some weapons.

Earlier (Commander POV)

Goddamn it! First ST AR 15 went awol and now Hank is gone! Fucking perfect! Seems like she was infected with that virus for a long time... how haven't I noticed?

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