2: mochi

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2: mochi

Little Itadori Yuuji started his day with a plate full of blueberry pancakes that auntie neighbor gave him.

The blueberries reminded him of Miyo's eyes and being reminded of his new friend made Yuuji's smile even brighter.

When Wasuke saw his only grandchild happily stuffing himself with pancake and humming a random tune to express his joy, Wasuke had the urge to take a pair of sunglasses out to use. His grandson's smile was too bright so early in the morning.

"You seem like you had a good sleep, Yuuji."

"Uh-huh," Little Yuuji swallowed, leaving a few crumbs of pancake at the corner of his lips. He glanced at his grandpa, eyes shining like usual. "Yesterday, I made friends with Miyo! He's the pretty classmate I told you about, grandpa! And, and we sat together during class. Did you know Miyo's handwriting is just as pretty as him?!"

Wasuke eyed this grandson of his with a curious look. Although he was a little prejudiced against the child called Miyo after the whole pretty isn't bad thing, he knew that Yuuji was a good kid who had a good judgement of character... even if his grandson didn't know about it.

"You're really happy talking about him, aren't you?"

Little Yuuji puffed his chest out and raised his fork. "Of course I am! Miyo is so pretty; how can I be sad?"

... this kid needs to realize that not everything pretty is good.



"Miyo! Miyo! Good morning!" Yuuji sprinted into the classroom, clutching his bag tightly with one hand and the other waving frantically in the air. He took a seat beside Miyo, who nodded his head in greeting.


Little Yuuji beamed, placed his bag at the side before sprawling practically half of his body onto the table. A silly grin formed on his face as he glanced at his seatmate from a lower angle.

Miyo noticed his look and asked, "Do you want to tell me something?"

"Hehe that's right!" Yuuji's grin turned brighter as soon as Miyo asked. "This morning, auntie from next door gave me this really, really yummy pancake. It had blueberries! Blueberries!"


"And, and they remind me of your eyes because they're blue, too! The pancakes were yummy and I ate all of them!"

"... do you like blueberries?"

"So-so. They're yummy but I don't want to eat them everyday."

"What about strawberries?"

"I like them, too! You know, auntie neighbor also gave me strawberry pancakes before and they were even yummier than the blueberries!"

Yuuji watched as Miyo rummaged through his backpack as soon as he finished his story.

Miyo furrowed his eyebrows, a hint of panic flickered in his eyes before relief overwhelmed it. He pulled out a small box, just a little bit bigger than his palm, and handed it to Yuuji.

"It's mochi. Strawberry flavored."

"For me?" Dumbfounded, Yuuji sat up straight, staring at the box with a dazed look. "It's really for me?"


Overjoyed, Yuuji hugged Miyo, which stunned the other, before taking the box from him and setting it down on the table.

"Thank you, Miyo!"

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