10: in another life

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10: in another life

"Miyo, aren't you going down?"

Hozuki Miyo, the youngest child of the Hozuki Clan, one of the oldest families in the country, was currently in his pajamas inside his bedroom. His elder sister stood at the door, giving him a stern look. Miyo was a pampered child but he knew his own limits

"Okay, okay, I'll just get dressed up and then I'll go down."

"Good, good. Grandpa rarely celebrates his birthday, you know? Don't be such a party pooper!"

"I get it already!" Miyo threw a pillow right at her but his sister already closed the door. Even though it was shut, Miyo could hear her snickering at the other side.

A huff escaped his lips as he searched his closet for anything to wear.

It wasn't like he was being a party pooper like what his sister said. These past few nights, he had a reoccurring dream. Although he described it as reoccurring, he couldn't even remember what it was about. Even if he tried hard to recall it, nothing came to mind.

All Miyo knew was that every time he wakes up in the morning, there were fresh tear tracks running down his cheeks.

On the second night it happened, he concluded that whatever his dream was all about, it was probably nothing but a tragedy. Despite the fact that knew it was a sad dream, Miyo could not help but be curious about it.

What happened in the dream that made him cry?

To point out a fact that everyone in the family knew, Hozuki Miyo never cried. Of course, as a baby, he cried since it was a natural response. But ever since he grew up, there was nothing in this world that could make him cry.

Not sad movies.

Not the death of his relatives.

Not the death of his pets.

Not even when he was bullied by other rich second generation brats.

So then, why?

When he descended to the first floor, where workers moved around without stop to prepare the grand birthday party of his grandfather who was turning a hundred this year; why did he suddenly feel a great deal of sadness in his heart?

Miyo looked around.

He was certain that he must have seen something to make him feel this way. And so, Miyo walked around, trying to figure out the catalyst of this unprecedented sadness.

When he was about to give, he noticed a lone worker working on the vase at one corner of the ballroom. From the back, Miyo first noticed his pink hair. It was a color that popped out against the cool tones of the ballroom and furnitures.

And before the vase filled with bright, sunflowers, that tinge of pink seemed so lovely in his eyes.

Without warning, Miyo tapped the worker on the shoulder.

Itadori Yuuji, who was busy arranging the sunflowers, almost shrieked in fright when something touched his shoulder. He was about to whine towards whoever it was that scared him but the complaints he wanted to say died out in an instant.

A pair of crystal clear blue eyes as still as seawater greeted him.

I feel like... I've seen him somewhere before.

All of a sudden, in this room filled with people, no one noticed how two young men started crying silently out of the blue. Their tears came out without warning. If they hadn't pointed to each other's tears, they wouldn't have realized that they were crying themselves.

"I-I'm sorry," Yuuji stuttered in embarrassment. "Crying at a time like this-"

"It's alright," Miyo interrupted, handing the pinket a spare handkerchief while he himself wiped his own tears away.

"What's your -"

They spoke at the same time.

"You go-"

"I'll go-"

An awkward silence brewed between them.

"I'm Itadori Yuuji!"

"My name is Hozuki Miyo."



In their last life, the both of them suffered miserably.

In this life, the both of them would be able to live in peace, just like what they hoped back then.

In this life, the both of them would be able to live in peace, just like what they hoped back then

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I hope you cried again this time 😌

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