The Theater [CH4]

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"Well class, you did a great work today! So I'll set you free now!" Mss.Cannon shouted for us, in her usual happy way. She was always happy, no matter what.

"Yes! Finally it's over!" Daizo declared, smiling faintly to me. She didn't smile like usually, since she kinda pissed me of earlier. I couldn't smile back, since I still wasn't so happy about the stitches around my nose.

"Oh my, can't wait to do nothing at home!" I added sarcasticly.

"Come on Marzia. Show some happiness!"

"With these stitches around my nose?" I calmly shouted, so I wouldn't get so much attention.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry Marzia.." Daizo noted, after scanning my face. After forever while staring at her eyes, I sighed for the relief. I searched for my stuff from the table with my hand, and drop them on my lap.

"No Daizo, I should be sorry. I'm so mean to you, without a good reason." I granted, sliding my eyes down to my books.

"I'll apologize too. I should be supporting you, not be a douch. So, I'm sorry too."

"We're cool. A hug?" I smirked, finishing with my stuff. I already got to raise my hands, but then,

"Eew! Leave to do that somewhere else!" Spencer yelled, almost from the other side of the class. Half had already left the class, but of course some heard it. Since the teacher was in, some just gave an amused looks to each others.

"Spencer, stop it! Leave this class right this moment!" Mss.Cannon commanded, pointing to the door. Glad she can't yell so well.

"Okay okay!" He raised his hands, jumping up while grabbing his stuff.

"We've to go to the theater anyway. Come on, let's go." Felix stood also, passing Spencer and walking out. Immediately, his little underling followed him out.

"Can Spencer just go to the deepest hell?" Daizo muttered, as she grab her bag and stood up.

"Anyway, shall we leave?"

"Yes. Do we have to visit at the stor today?" I asked, as I did the same.

"I guess yes. There's no food left." She noted, shrugging her shoulders.

"How great. I guess we don't have so much money either." I almost whispered to her, so others wouldn't hear it.

"Not really. Next package is coming only next week."

"Well damn.. Okay, let's head there immediately."

And in seconds, we sprinted out of the class. Others were already away, and well.. Some were at the theater, where every famous person is. I've always wanted there, but since I'm so embarrased about myself, and super shy, I couldn't make it there. Only the picked ones are there. Those, who has the needed talend and braveness, are usually there. Of course everyone likes them then.

"Hey Daizo! Come here!" Someone called for Daizo, which was walking besides me. Both of us turned our heads to watch who was yelling her name.

"Damn, it's Mia and the others. May I.." Daizo left the sentence, looking at me pleadingly. I snickered lightly, giving a crooked smile.

"Of course, go ahead. I'll wait." I granted, walking backwards to the wall, a couple meters away. Daizo smiled me back, jogging to them. They were almost the only ones, which didn't say anything bad about me, I guess.

I followed, how Daizo reacted and talk to them. They all smiled, while giving ordinary glares to me. It didn't seem to be any mean, but I was pretty sure it included me. I've got used to estimate people around me. Usually, it's hard to lie to me, since I notice it pretty fast. Finally something good about myself, I think.

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