The Secret [CH6]

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"Alright people, you've done great work so far! So now I'll let you go." Cameron yelled to us, while people were still doing their things.

"Tomorrow we'll keep doing this same, since some of you seemed to not go with it."

"What time?" Someone asked, quickly walking past Cam.

"After your first lesson, which means around 9:30" He replied.

"Hey Cam, remember to change your cloths too!" Another one yelled amused.

"I'll think about it."

Almost everyone has left, but not me and Cameron. Oh, and Felix and Spencer. The whole lesson I was just sitting on the red chair, watching how things are going here and what will be in front of me soon. At least that's what Cameron told me.

I'm sort of concerned and happy at the same time about theater lessons. Mostly happy about the fact that I can skip for example Mr. Bugger's lessons and come here. But them concerned, how people will react to me, and do I have the needed potential for it. Or if Cameron approves me here, and knows that he pick up the right person.

So far, all I've heard about Cameron is that he's bizzare and hiding something under those shiny eyes. But then people, mostly girls respects him and thinks he's really wise - And I'm agreeing with that. He is weird, but in a good way. Even I could learn something with him. One teacher, which finally shows his passion for his work and loves what he does.

But still, he is hiding something from all of us. Well sure, Cam is weird already but like seriously, there is something I want to find. And I will find it, if I play my cards well - Which will be hard because Cameron is such a good assessor.

Felix and Spencer finally came behind the huge red draips walking quickly over. While doing that, Cameron raised his eyes over the notebook which he writes, and walks to them.

"Felix, could you come here real quick?" He asked. Felix and Spencer first glared each other, nodding for some kind of sign.

"I'll wait you outside." Spencer raised his hand in half, walking of the stage and jogging the stairs up.

"What now?" Felix turns his head to Cam, really not that interested to talk to him.

"I just made a point of you on my notebook. And I'll let you react by yourself." Cameron hands his notebook to Felix, pointing the place where his part start I guess. Felix rose a brow first to him, grabbing the notebook uncertainly.

He read it awhile, frowning for something. Cameron crossed his hands over his chest, watching what Felix was doing. Curling up his silk soft lips, he lifted his head confused and offered the notebook back. Cameron grab it with his upper hand. Taking slow steps back, Felix shook his head.

"Okay, tell me this mister Clever, how I wasn't paying attention to this class at all?" Felix rose his chin up bravely, licking his lips.

"You usually are very focused, but this day you weren't. Why is this an anomaly?"

"In my opinion, it isn't. What did you find me doing then?"

"If I say it straight up, will you promise to not deny it?" Cameron required while giving a dark smile. Felix stared for a moment at him, trying to guess what he had in mind.

"Okay fine, I won't. What is it?" Felix startled.

Cameron took a step closer to him, dropping his arms down to his knees, while leaning on them. He wanted to look at Felix on the same level.

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