Chapter 1: hospital, treatment day

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Jules pov: sitting in the chemo room with my friend Megan, while waiting for Sophia to come back in from getting us muffins.
Sophia's pov: walks into the room*
Sophia: your entertainment has finally arrived.
Jules: yay! Sophia! You're here!
Sophia: I brought some muffins.
Jules: oooo, yummy!
Sophia: agreed. Hey, you started without me.
Jules: Yeah, I'm sorry. I kinda have vip privileges here.
Sophia: yeah right, but okay.
Jules: sorry bestie. So...what muffins did you bring?
Sophia: all of your favourites.
Jules: ooo, lemon drizzle.
Jules pov: opens the box and they aren't there.
Jules: Where is it? Because it's not here.
Sophia:'t let me finish. I sorta...ate it on the way up here.
Jules: oh...okay.
Sophia: Hey, it's a long walk from the muffin shack.
Jules: You mean the one in the lobby?
Sophia: yep, that's the one.
Jules: haha. I don't blame you, that muffin tastes like heaven in a cupcake.
Sophia: Sure does. Hey...riley! Muffin?
Riley: ooh! Any rainbow sprinkles?
Sophia: sorry...they were out... completely.
Sophia's pov: wipes my mouth clean and walks around jules chair and takes off my purse, gives her a hug.
Jules: oh..yeah! That reminds me, I found our first day of school outfit.
Jules pov: shows her the magazine.
Sophia: oooo, fancy! Me likey, alot.
Jules: same here. So...when we wear it, we have to look like this.
Jules pov: does a cute pose.
Sophia: Woah, wait! Does that mean Dr.pashkov cleared you for school, yet?
Jules: Since being ill in the summer and the last week of school, there's no way I'm missing the first day of highschool. So.. no matter what the doctor says, i'm going to be starting this monday, like everyone else in our grade. Because this milestone is massive for us. Oh and by the way, I don't want anyone else at school knowing, especially Nadia Turner. As she's a little bat rat, could you imagine what it would be like, if she knew?
Sophia: Oh yeah! You two might actually be nice to each other for once.
Jules: yeah, that would be horrendous to a whole new level.
Sophia: for you yes. But I do know she makes you mad. Ok...but when will the doctor be calling? So then you know when you're clear.
Jules: chill. It'll be okay.
Sophia: I mean...did he never have a first of highschool? Surely he must know how much this means to us?
Jules: please chill, and take a seat. As you're making me nervous around this iv.
Sophia: Wait, but seriously? But I am, really care...Sophia's pov: trips over
Sophia: Okay, maybe i will sit.
Sophia's pov: sits next you in the chair.
Jules: yay! Good! Oh, he's also calling my mum at 3:30.
Sophia: Woah, why didn't you tell me?
Jules: because I knew you would go all sophia! Like always, when something nervous happens.
Sophia: go all Sophia, yeah right. But I was just saying, why call at 3:30? Cause you know, if he knows, he knows. I also mean why not one? Why not two? Why not...oooh, yeah...this is going all sophia.
Sophia's pov: we both hear nurse lynda.
Lynda: oh, seriously!Are you kidding me?
Sophia: oh, what have you done now?
Jules: something very fun. She's coming.
Jules pov: we pretend to read the magazine.
Nurse Lynda's pov: walks in and sees sophia and jules.
Nurse Lynda: you two? I should've known it was you both? So...who put dye in the soap dispenser??
Jules: I have no clue who did it...but the bottle says, it comes off with warm water and vinegar.
Nurse Lynda: haha, funny. Not! Sometimes jules, there are so many reasons why i'm excited and glad that your treatments are almost over. Cause you always prank me.
Jules: because it's so much fun, and you're so easy to prank.
Jules pov: so...This is actually the story of how I beat cancer. When it all started back in July, my nurse told me to write down the things I'm grateful for. To help me stay positive and give me strength on the hard days. And from that very first day, it has always been for grape popsicles, my loving family, my besties family and ofc my best friend. I've been grateful for Sophia a lot in my life, but this time I'm really super grateful for her. You'll see why...

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