Chapter 4: The bad news

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Sasha's pov: Walk into the house carrying everything.
Sasha: Hey, that was me calling! As I needed help!
Carson: Here dad, I got you.
Carson's pov: Helps him and then grab the milk and chugs it.
Sasha: You're always there for me, son.
Sasha's pov: rolls my eyes.
Sasha: Where is everyone?
Carson: Sophia and Jules are upstairs and mum is on the phone.
Sasha: Ahh, I see.
Emma: Hey, baby.
Sasha: Hey, u okay?
Emma: Yep. Jules is allowed to start school on monday.
Sasha: Yay, that's good to hear.
Emma: I agree. But she will need to come straight home, and no physical activity this year.
Sasha: Wow, that's gonna be hard for her. As she really wanted to start going gymnastics again.
Emma: Yeah, I know. I'll be back.
Emma's pov: Heads upstairs.
Jules pov: Gets out all the clothes I own and puts it into a big pile of clothes on my bed, which I keep grabbing from, looking at the item, and then throwing it at Sophia by accident, who is sitting on my bed. Sighs.
Jules: I literally have nothing to wear on the first day of school.
Sophia: I wish I had this much of nothing. Also you have my dress.
Jules pov: Looks at the dress.
Jules: Eh! So not me, anymore!
Jules pov: Throws it.
Emma's pov: Knocks on the door.
Jules: You can come in.
Emma's pov: enters the room.
Emma: Heyyyyy. So, good news about starting school, right?
Jules: Yeah, I'm really pumped and excited.
Emma's pov: Sighs while holding a notebook.
Jules: Mum, What 's that in your hand?
Emma: It's... Just some notes... from your doctor about school.
Jules: What notes? Why notes?
Emma: Let's remember that we just heard some good news.
Jules: Yeah, great, amazing... But What notes?
Jules pov: Steals notebook from My mum and walks towards my desk and reads it.
Jules: "Come right home when school ends. No extracurricular activities"?
Emma: It's just a few precautions. To make sure you stay healthy.
Jules: "No physical activities"? Mom, that means no gymnastics. Which is the one thing I wanted to get back to doing, you know how hard I've been stretching to get my flexibility back.
Emma: Yeah I know sweetie. But you could always be the team manager. You know, like doing the rosters and other Management stuff.
Sophia: You could glitter your clipboard.
Jules pov: Gives Sophia a really annoyed look.
Sophia: What? Glitter's awesome and so much fun.
Emma: Sweetie Look, not every kid with cancer actually gets clearance from their doctor to go back to school this early. So You're actually very lucky.
Jules: So...How am I Lucky?
Emma: Because u get to go to school, at the beginning of all of this we thought we wouldn't even be this far.
Jules: But mum That literally means no sports, no dances, no being in plays. So...All that it really leaves is going to class, Which is literally the worst part of school.
Jules pov: Sits on bed.
Emma: That is a terrible attitude, young lady.
Emma's pov: Sits on bed next to Alexa and hugs her. 
Emma: Sorry, that was very much my mother's voice talking. *sighs* Sweetie, I know it really badly sucks, but it's the best thing for right now. You're only just getting better and kicking it massively. None of us wanna risk anything bad happening to your body while doing gymnastics which could hurt your body.
Jules: Yeah, I know. I just always thought once school started, things would go back to normal including gymnastics.
Emma: And sweetie, they're on their way very soon and Before you know it, you're actually gonna be starting to lie to me about skipping homework instead of skipping naps.
Jules: Oh...Gosh, I hope so very much.
Emma's pov: kisses Jules head and leaves the room.
Sophia: Yay, We're starting high school together! Let's celebrate.
Jules pov: gets up off the bed.
Jules: Alright, yeah. Yeah.
Sophia: Any ideas of what we could do?
Jules: Uh, yeah... Let's do something our moms will absolutely hate.
Sophia: Well...I was actually thinking something more along the lines of an ice cream cone, With dangerous toppings.
Jules: Seriously!
Jules pov: Pulls Sophia out of my room and into the bathroom and grabs some dye.
Jules: I thought we could do what Kenzie suggested earlier, which was dying our hair the school's colours.
Sophia: Okay, let's do it. *nervous voice*
Sophia's pov: *ten mins later* standing at the sink, looking into the mirror.
Jules pov: sitting on the bench.
Sophia: *giggles* I really feel like a bad girl by doing this but I love it. But Now I also have to figure out a way to hide this from my mom.
Jules pov: Stands up and walks over to Sophia.
Jules: All right. I'm officially Cleared by the doctor, I got colored hair. So... Hm, Now all that's left to do is go out to buy some new clothes, take Gwenny down in the process, and then I'm officially ready to start high school.
Sophia: Are you seriously going to keep that ridiculous feud going that has lasted for ages now?
Jules: What choice do I have?
Sophia: To stop.
Jules: I'm not just going to let her win like that? That's crazy soph.
Sophia: But It's a never ending revenge cycle. Do you really think anyone is ever going to win this feud?
Jules: Yeah, hello it's Me that's going to win. Also Let's FaceTime Kenzie and Jayden to show them our new hair.
Sophia: That's one Good idea.
Sophia's pov: picks up A razor.
Sophia's Does Lucas shave with this?
Jules pov: Sits down on the bench. Suddenly, something feels weird and when I pull it out it's actually a large piece of my hair that is starting to fall out. And gets nervous.
Sophia: What? No, I don't want to smell it.
Sophia's pov: Puts it down and Starts calling Kenzie and Jayden.
Jules: Sophia! wait! Um... Can we just surprise them when we see them next?
Sophia: Ok, sure.
Sophia's pov: Puts phone down. Right then, my phone buzzes again. picks it up.
Sophia: Hm... Oh, it's my mom. I gotta go as my dinner is ready so... I'll call you later.
Sophia's pov: I then leaves the bathroom.
Jules pov: Stays on the bench, looking at the piece of hair that just fell out and starts crying for a little bit then goes to my room. *thinks to myself* so...i'm guessing it's coming out because of me dying my hair or because of chemo.

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