Chapter 6: Suspended before we even start

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Jules pov: I pulled the cart of toilet paper and jack was sitting in it, all the way to the house.
Sophia: Are we really? Doing this?
Jules pov: Throw some toilet paper.
Jules: Yes, we are gonna do this.
Avi's pov: Joins in.
Jules: Woo nice arm and aim Avi.
Avi: Thanks.
Jules pov: Feels dizzy and sits down.
Sophia: Are you alright?
Jules: You know I absolutely hate that question.
Sophia: I know, I'm sorry.
Jules: So...please as my bestie, never ask me that again.
Sophia: Sure thing. But are you okay?
Jules: Yes.
Sophia: Also as my bestie, you need things that don't get you tired out.
Jules: Okay, okay. I'll sit here for a sec, until I feel...
Sophia: Better, have more energy?
Jules: No! Inspired. Now go do the bushes.
Avi: Omg! This is the best night I've ever had.
Jules: Your welcome lil man. *breathes* Okay, I'm ready.
Sophia: Okay. that my ski cap?
Jules: Yes, omg! I'll give it back. Now please focus? Jules pov: Throws more paper.
Sophia's pov: Continues then notice this is the wrong house.
Sophia: JULES! This isn't Nadia's house!
Jules: Wait! Really?
Sophia: Yes, really. You got the wrong address as this says trugly.
Jules: Ohhh!
Sophia: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! This is actually the principal's house! So...avi! Avi! We gotta go! Right now!
Trugly: walks outside.
Sophia: Jules, leave it!
Jules: No, it's almost done.
Sophia: We need to go right now.
Jules: In a sec.
Trugly's pov: Stands behind them.
Sophia: No now.
Sophia's pov: Bumps into her.
Jules: Nothing.
Avi: Woah! My brain feels weird! *falls down* woah! I'm okay.
Sophia's pov: We all get taken home, but we have to go into the school the next morning to speak to the principal. So, the next morning we all go into the school and Sasha is freaking out on himself.
Sasha: I just hope, principle trugly doesn't remember me. As I am always the model student here, I hate to let her down. I most certainly do.
Emma: Sash, this is about Jules, not you.
Sasha: Yeah. Yeah. right of course.
Emma: Babe, it really is. I promise. But what I really don't understand is what actually made you do something like, Jules.
Jules: To have fun, and be free. While letting go of all this stress and pressure.
Daniella: But why, with jack?
Jules: He's the one who begged us to let him come, so that's on him not us.
Daniella: Okay. But this is seriously not like you, sophia.
Sophia: I know. I'm sorry mum.
Daniella: Good, you should be.
Emma: Dani, i'm so sorry jules, dragged sophia. Into this mess. It was really out of order for her to do it.
Daniella: No, no, Em's. I don't feel at all that way. Because Sophia is in charge of her own life, and behaviour.
Emma: We can deal with the girls ourselves, but I think in this situation we need to have a united front to beat trugly. As we don't want the girls to start off school with massive bad reputations.
Daniella: I agree. But that's if Sasha doesn't tell her the truth.
Emma: Good point, I know that she is intimidating.
Daniella: Well...good, cause...I'm not afraid of her.
Emma: Okay...if you say so.
Trugly: *comes out* Alright! Let's begin!
Daniella: *breaks* It was all Em's daughter.
Jules: Seriously, way to keep it cool.
Emma: Dani, I second that.
Daniella: Okay, I am afraid of her. I don't know why but I am.
Trugly: Okay, please come in!
Trugly's pov: Opens the door to my office.
Sasha's pov: Walks in with my head down.
Trugly: Alexander?
Sasha: Oh, hey! Principal Trugly.
Trigly: So...I'm guessing one of these two is yours?
Sasha: my defence it's not around that much. Because I'm a pilot and a professional dancer,'s actually captain Sasha.
Trugly: Well...she should go in now.
Sasha: Roger that *closes the door*
Jules pov: We sit there while she talks to our parents in private. We didn't know what they were saying...also i learnt something new though, i learnt that my dad's actual name is alexander but he changed it to sasha before i was born. About 20 mins later we all headed home and we got punished and well...we got...

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