Chapter 10: who made a large purchase

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Emma's pov: Me and Daniella where sitting on the sofa having a little conversation and where really excited to see what they have chose.
Daniella: I really am dying for them to get home already. I just can't wait any longer. As I really wanna see what they got.
Emma: same here. But I really can't believe what Sophia did for Jules. It's truly a nice gesture. Now that's what you call a true friend.
Daniella: Would you ever do that for me?
Emma: Possibly. But I am dying fot them to get home. I wanna see what they got also.
Daniella: Wow, totally avoiding the question. but...Yeah, me neither.
Daniella's pov: then the doorbell rings. So I got to answer it.
Avi: Pizza!
Avi's pov: I quickly ran down the stairs. And takes it off the dude.
Delivery guy: that'll be £19.95.
Daniella's pov: hands him my card.
Avi: even the box smells good!
Delivery guy pov: I ran through the car but it wasn't going through.
Delivery guy: Sorry it's declined.
Daniella: what?
Delivery guy: your card, it was declined.
Daniella: That's impossible. I just don't get it. There's got to be some mistake.
Delivery guy's pov: I took the pizza back off the boy.
Avi: NO! I already sniffed it.
Delivery guy: Yeah? I also sniffed a Porsche once. But i didnt get it.
Emma: Daniella, let me. It's no big deal.
Emma's pov: hand him the cash, and take the pizza from him. And hands it back to Avi.
Emma: There you go. Also this 5 pence is for you. So you can stick that pence somewhere special.
Emma's pov: slams the door in his face. And went back home for Lunch.
Daniella's pov: after we ate our lunch i rang the bank to see what was going on.
Daniella: *on the phone* for the tenth, time. I havent made a large purchase today. I swear. *sighs* what are you 2o? You probably still make an allowance and work on your weekends for "fun money" while getting all judgy on good, hardworking people like me.
Sophia's pov: I couldnt golf it in any longer so i tried to flag my mum to tell her stop, but she didnt see.
Daniella: *on the phone* So all i have to say is, good luck making it in the real world missy, where life gets hard...
Sophia's pov: i quickly jumped in.
Sophia: I was the one who made the large purchase.
Daniella: *on the phone* have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your twenties. *ends the call* Sophia, I told you not to go over the limit. Why?
Sophia: I'm sorry mum, I really am.
Dainella: okay im gald you are but i asked why.
Sophia: the reall good wigs were really expensive. I didn't know what to do. But I did buy a cheap one as well. That really isn't me but I'm sorry.
Daniella: honey. I really do admire what you did for jules. You truly are an incredible friend. But we really don't buy things that we really can't afford.
Sophia's pov: feels really bad and guilty.
Sophia: Yeah, I know. I'll take it back.
Sophia's pov: starts to walk back upstairs to put the other one and to take back the other one.
Daniella: have them...put it on hold. We'll go back and get it next week. I get paid.
Sophia: really?
Daniella: Yes, really.
Sophia: oh, wow. Thanks mum.
Sophia's pov: runs over and gives her a massive hug.
Sophia: What made you change your mind?
Daniella: the vision of you in a pink wig probably getting bullied.
Sophia: fairs.
Daniella: And because you're an amazing person for doing that with Jules.
Sophia: Sooo, can I hold off with not going to school until we get the wig?
Daniella: Nice try, A for effort but no. you're going thursday.
Daniella's pov: kisses the top of her head.
Daniella: ooh! Very smooth.
Sophia's pov: I went back to the store and asked them to put the wig on hold and that's what they did. Then I went back home to chill a little bit before taking avi, to go and get his game.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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