Chapter 8: Maybe getting some wigs

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Jules pov: After dinner, I decided to head up to my room and call sophia.
Sophia: *answers* Hey, you alright?
Jules: Yeah, thanks for doing this with me, it really means a lot.
Sophia: Anything for you, your my bestie and my mum was definitely very, very shocked, when she saw me walking in with no hair.
Jules: Yeah, I know. We heard, the screaming😱.
Sophia: Haha, same. As it was right in my ear. But I'll always be here for you Jules. Know matter what! I mean it!
Jules: Thanks, I hope you sleep well.
Sophia: You too. Bye.
Jules: Bye.
Jules pov: We both end the call and go to sleep. The next morning, I woke up and got ready for the day and went downstairs to eat some breakfast.
Jules: Dad, I thought we aren't allowed phone's at the table anymore.
Sasha: Sorry, I was signing up for the 10k we are doing for you. The training also starts today. We are doing this to raise money know...
Jules: You mean leukaemia?
Sasha: Yes, I already said you knew.
Carson's pov: About to pour some milk-
Emma's pov: I take it of him and pour it into Jules cup.
Carson: Hey! I was using that.
Emma: Too bad I'm using it first.
Jules: Mum, please stop babying me, I'm not a baby. Also except for looking like Mr. Clean bill of health, I'm still the same girl I was yesterday.
Emma: Well, same here. So drink up.
Carson: Oh yeah I almost forgot, dad are you able to fix our shower drain? For some reason this morning I was taking a shower and there was about 4 inches of water that I was standing in. So I literally had to do a rush job on my hair. Can you clearly tell that I didn't have time to use the conditioner?
Jules pov: Takes off my hat and acts sarcastically.
Jules: Yeah, I totally didn't either. Can you tell?
Sasha: I cannot Lucas and yes I can sweetie.
Carson: Sis I'm sorry for what I just said. And besides you know that I think you're awesome, either way.
Jules: Thanks bro.
Carson: So dad are you okay?
Sasha: Huh? What? Yeah. Well I'm gonna start my run.
Sasha's pov: Grabs my plate and takes it over to the door.
Emma: Uh...sash?
Sasha: Yeah?
Emma: Are you forgetting something?
Sasha: Not that I can think of.
Emma: Not even The fact that you still have a lot of eggs on your plate and saying goodbye to me.
Sasha: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry.
Emma: It's okay, baby.
Sasha's pov: Gives my wife a kiss and Shoves all of the eggs into my mouth. And goes on my run.
Emma: Your father is strange and very forgetful sometimes.
Jules: Yeah, we know.
{meanwhile at Sophia's}

Sophia's pov: I woke up and got ready for the day. And then I went downstairs and ate my breakfast but I was really quiet because I didn't really know how to feel after I made that very big gesture last night.
Daniella: Sweetie, I'm literally so proud of you. And nothing could ever make me change that. I promise. And all of this has made me notice how brave you actually are.
Sophia: Thanks. But I will look like a girl again someday right?
Daniella: Sweetie. You still look like a girl now, I promise. You are extremely beautiful, thoughtful, amazing and wonderful. You are generally all of those things in one beautiful heart and soul.
Sophia: Thanks mum, that really means a lot.
Daniella: But I am definitely not gonna lie when I say you do look...a lot like your uncle Carl. Just sayin.
Sophia: Yeah I know and I won't take it personally. I promise.
Avi's pov: I come down the stairs with my toy plan and I scream when I see Sophia.
Avi: Ahhh!
Sophia: Ugh. Little bro, you seriously gotta stop doing that please. It's really getting annoying and not making me feel very confident.
Avi: I'm sorry I just can't get used to it.
Sophia: Well, here you have it because that's how I, 100% felt when you were born.
Avi: Wow thanks. Also I do actually prefer it when you actually have your hood on.
Sophia: And I definitely like it when you have your trousers on.
Daniella: Go and get 100% dressed right now mister.
Avi: Oh man! I thought I had remembered this time.
Sophia: Clearly you haven't, otherwise you would be wearing them.
Avi's pov: I head upstairs and to my room so that I could finish getting ready.
Daniella: Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. That I need you to take your brother to the game shop later this evening.
Sophia: What? Why?
Daniella: Because that video game that your grandpa had decided to buy him has finally come into their stock.
Avi's pov: I overheard everything.
Avi: Plants vs zombies🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ is in!!!!!
Avi's pov: Falls over and they all hear a loud thud.
Avi: I'm 100% okay.
Daniella: That's definitely a good thing sweetie.
Sophia: But mum, I can't go out looking like this.
Daniella: I'm sorry but I really have to study for all of my night classes at the moment. And not to mention that you still haven't been exactly punished for taking your little brother toilet-papering our neighbor, in the middle of the night so this is technically a win-win situation.
Sophia: A win for who?
Daniella: For me. Didn't I make that clear? And besides soph, you can't stay in the house forever.
Sophia: In my defence the crazy lady who lives directly opposite from us does and she seems very happy within herself.
Daniella: Good point but you are still going.
Daniella's pov: During our conversation my phone went off and it's a text from Emma.
Daniella: Oh it's from Emma. She's asking me to come over so that we can find some really cute things for you girls to wear on your heads so that you both don't get cold.
Daniella's pov: Gets up and heads to the door when Sophia's phone goes off.
Sophia: Oh it's from Jules. She is asking to come over because her mum is driving her crazy about finding something to wear on our heads.
Sophia's pov: So my mum goes over there and Jules comes over to us and we head up to my room and raid my closet so that we can find some hats well attempted to try and sort something out. I picked up and tried on an artist hat👩‍🎨.
Jules: That's so not you.
Jules pov: I tried on a cowboy hat🤠.
Sophia: Soooo...Not your style.
Sophia's pov: So then I tried on a spiky hat.
Jules: That's not anyone's style, literally.
Sophia: We have to come up with something before school starts. And not that I have been counting or anything but we literally have 96 hours left until we are allowed to officially start highschool. And we definitely don't have a solid plan going for us.
Jules: You know what soph? Why don't we just make being bald cool😎.
Sophia: Sure. Why not? Because I definitely don't care who sees us like this.
Jules pov: My phone starts ringing so I pick it up.
Jules: Ohhhh, it's actually Kenzie and Jayden on FaceTime📳. I think they want to speak to us.
Sophia: No! Definitely not! We're bald at the moment!
Sophia's pov: Ends the call and throws the phone on my bed.
Jules: So shall we go to the actual wig store then?
Sophia: Yes, I definitely do. Also is there a wig store on the way to the wig store?
Jules: No, no there isn't.
Sophia's pov: Me and Jules were putting our caps on when Avi barged in.
Avi: Hey Jules. Did Sophia tell you that my new video game is coming into stores later?
Jules: Oh, child. We don't talk about you.
Avi: Fair enough. Also jules I have been meaning to ask. Are you bald because you have cancer?
Sophia: Avi! Seriously.
Jules: No. It's okay, I don't mind it. And also no. I'm not bald because of the cancer, but it's actually because of the medicine they give you to kill the cancer out of your body. But that medicine also kills the hair.
Avi: And you took that medication?
Jules: Yes, I have taken a lot of it. And I still do.
Avi: So what I'm gathering is being bald means you took your full dose of antibiotics and medications so in overall that means your cancer is getting better and being killed off?
Jules: Pretty much, little dude.
Avi: Well now that is just awesome.
Avi's pov: Gives her a big hug.
Jules pov: Hugs back.
Avi's pov: Heads back to my room and play some video games.
Sophia: Now you can see why we keep him around.
Carson's pov: Walks into the house to try and find my sister and walks back Avi.
Carson: Hey Avi.
Sophia's pov: Hears Carson coming!
Sophia: Carson. Oh my gosh! I need to hide.
Sophia's pov: So I quickly run and jump into my closet. And that's when he walks in.
Carson: Hey I came over because mum is looking for you girls. Also where is Sophia?
Jules: Have a look in the closet.
Sophia: Hey, Carson! How are you doing?
Carson: Hey, Sophia and I'm good thank you. And now secondly what I'm the world are you doing in there?
Sophia: I was just doing some chin-Ups. Seven...Eight...
Carson: Well I find it really cool with what you did for my sister.
Jules: Well you know big brother you could actually shave your head as well.
Carson: Yeah, I could but I'm not as that's more of a Sophia thing and not a myself thing, so I'm gonna take a very big pass.
Jules: Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind.
Carson: Okayyy so that's cool. But I did forget to tell you that I have decided to sign up for that running thing that mum and dad are doing for you. So that I can show you that I care without ruining my fantastic hair. So bye.
Carson's pov: Quickly leaves the house. And Sophia comes out of the closet.
Sophia: Oh, so where's carson? Did I miss him?
Jules: Yes, yes you did.
{meanwhile in the kitchen at Emma's house}

Emma: Also the funny thing is that this has actually been the healthiest thing that Jules has ever been through this whole journey with leukaemia and since she was diagnosed. But then her hair started to come out and it's just so hard for us all to just remember that she's just doing so well.
Daniella: Of course. And that explains why you and Sasha have been acting so weird and strange lately.
Emma: You actually mean Sash.
Daniella: Definitely...I so meant Sasha and not you as well.
Emma's pov: We go back to focusing on wigs for the girls on my laptop.
Emma: Now that wig right there would look so good on your Sophia.
Daniella: Mm...oh and that hat right there on Jules.
Emma: So true. Also your daughter is just so amazing for everything that she has done.
Daniella: and your daughter is just so amazingly brave and determined since all of these challenges.
Emma's pov: We both hug and I started to tear up but then the girls walked in.
Jules: Ummm...mum. Remember you have two cries a week maximum so please don't blow go rushing through them in just one day.
Emma: Okayyy. And also how are you feeling? Are you okay? Yeah? Are you at all hungry? Or tired? Possibly cold?
Jules: No to all of those but I am feeling very smothered! Also mum I'm gonna be just fine. And with that being said can you please just drop us off at the mall so we can pick out something for us?
Emma: Of course, then I can park the car and meet you inside? Sure. Sounds like a perfect plan. I'll just go and grab my purse from my bedroom.
Emma's pov: Goes and grabs it.
Jules: Oh, dad you're here. Can you possibly drop us off instead?
Sasha: Yeah. Yeah. Sure. That sounds bald. I mean fun! Uh........I actually think it's time for a training run.
Jules: Ummm...Okayyy. That was just very weird.
Jules pov: Then my mum comes back to the living room.
Jules: Mum, are you really sure that you have the time to go shopping with us? As you know you should probably go and get some training in for your run.
Emma: Oh please! Sweetie. I could do that 10k run with my eyes closed.
Jules: You sure about that. You get so out of breath from just doing the vacuuming and climbing the stairs. We can literally hear you from upstairs.
Emma: We just have some really thick carpets. But fine. Okay? You both can go shopping alone. But just promise me that if you get tired 😴 that you head straight to the Nordstrom's bathrooms in the mall. As they have a very nice and glamorous lounge there. So that means you can lie down, take a nap. Even if they don't like it, they still won't stop you from doing it. As I have done it many, many times.
Jules: I 100% promise mum.
Jules pov: We go and get into the car and wait for Sophia.
Daniella: You can use my credit card 💳 in order to purchase your wig. Just please stick to the limit of a hundred pounds.
Sophia: No. I...I won't. Thanks mum! I promise.
Sophia's pov: Starts to run to the car and then stops.
Daniella: Also if you do go to the bathroom...
Sophia: Then pick up a massive load of those fancy paper towels.
Daniella: That's my girl! Take the big purse.
Daniella's pov: Heads back to my house while they go shopping.

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