Chapter 5: The master plan

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Avi's pov: searching through the cookie tin.
Avi: Come on! Come on! Where are you cookies with more chips?
Sophia: Bro, why are you touching every single cookie? That's just disgusting.
Avi: But, why does every single cookie in here have only one single chocolate chip?
Daniella: It's because you literally have a single parent. *laughs*
Avi: That's not funny or how chocolate chip cookies work.
Daniella: Yeah, it's true. But I don't care. Or know why they do?
Avi: Well, I'm going next door to Emma's as they have actual chocolate chip cookies.
Daniella: oh... bring me back one, please. Also why you're at it, get something nice for lunch tomorrow.
Avi: Ahh, yes will do. Good idea mum.
Daniella: Yep i know.
Avi's pov: leaves the room.
Daniella: So, is Jules feeling about school?
Sophia: Ready and also very, very excited.
Daniella: Yeah, I know the feeling. But...highschool is actually a really big change, in so many people's lives...and i know that is going through so much already, so...i hope she's prepared for it.
Sophia: She is mum, I promise. Also mum, i would know if she is really that worried about it okay?
Daniella: Okay, sweetie.
Sophia: Us two, can practically read each other's minds. I don't know how but we can. *my phone beeps* hmmm, like right now. As i know it's her sending me a text.
Daniella: Ohh, you're right.
Sophia: I know what it says also. It says "Don't watch project one runway without me".
Daniella: *laughs* not even close. It actually says... "meet me in the tree, when you know your mum is asleep."
Daniella's pov: hands her the phone.
Sophia: *laughs* oh. I'm obviously saying, "sorry. I can't as I'll be asleep by then." *lies*
Daniella: This is what they probably call a big "teachable moment"... but I'm actually gonna go and take a bath.
Sophia's pov: 40 mins later when our parents are asleep, I head to the tree and see her already waiting for me.
Jules: What in the world...took you so long?
Sophia: Don't you actually mean..."thanks for meeting me, when I know you're supposed to be asleep, even though I know how much you hate getting into trouble for?"
Jules: Nope...but sure. Also I need you to go into your room, grab some dark clothes and as many rolls of toilet paper as you can.
Sophia: Okay, goodnight.
Jules: Soph, wait! This is really important. Please.
Sophia: What is it?
Jules: I need toilet paper, nadia's house.
Sophia: That sounds like fun! *lies* goodnight.
Jules: Sophia, please. Come on. For me. Also do you really wanna look back at your childhood and realise that you have never teepee someone's house?
Sophia: That's because I do, like literally I do. Also jules, what is going on?
Jules: Nothing is going on. I promise.
Sophia: Cause it seems like you're losing your mind.
Jules: It's because I really, really need this right now. Please. It's actually a really good distraction for me from everything else, including what I'm going through, so pleaseeeeee?
Sophia: Okay...okay...i'll do it. But just this once I mean it.
Avi: Omg, this is going to be so much fun.
Sophia: Avi? How long have you been there?
Avi: For about 5 mins.
Sophia: Please go to bed and keep this all to yourself. 
Avi: But, what if I go with you...and then also keep it to myself?
Sophia: Or...what if I strangle you, and then you also keep it to yourself?
Avi: You know mum's rule, you're not allowed to do that to me anymore.
Sophia: Ugh, alright! Alright, let's just go and do this.
Avi: Okay, I'll go grab the toilet paper!
Sophia: Omg, keep your voice down, dumbo!
Avi: *whispers* I'll go grab the toilet paper!

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