Chapter 7: Getting punished and about to something crazy

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Jules: What! We are suspended for 3 days? That is literally so...unfair! Wait, Mum...what did you do?
Emma: Nothing.
Sasha: It was just one day but of course your mum had to jump in, but with a long story both go three days...and your mother is banned from the school for a whole month.
Jules: You did nothing, doesn't sound like it.
Emma: Sweetie, this is about you, not me. But it is so unfair!
Sasha: You kicked over her trash can.
Emma: Well...I slipped.
Daniella: Seriously, twice in a row.
Emma: Yep, I'm a klutz when it comes to our daughters.
Daniella: Okay...sure.
Sophia: This seriously, can't be happening.
Jules: I'm really sorry.
Sophia: We will never get our chance on the first day of highschool.
Jules: Yeah, I know. But...trugly is crazy. Is this actually what our life will be like for the next four years of highschool?
Emma: Most likely yes...if you keep making bad decisions.
Jules: Ooo, I have an idea. Why can't we go to Crawford High instead?
Sophia: Jules, you're forgetting one thing...that's all the way across town. We don't know anyone there.
Sasha: They are also rivals.
Jules: Okay, then. What about homeschooling?
Sophia: So you mean...we never go to highschool. You're crazy?
Jules: Well, we could learn from here.
Sophia: But we have been waiting for this time to come, since year 4 July. This is our dream.
Emma: And I also have 2 jobs.
Jules: Okay, what about you?
Sasha: I love you...but no thanks.
Daniella: Also neither do i... as I also have a job and so does sasha. Even though no one has asked.
Jules: Okay, then.
Emma: Sweetie, what's really going on?
Jules: Nothing, so can everyone stop asking me that. Please?
Sasha: *finds a bit of paper* Jules, did you know you were going to her house?
Jules: no of course not, i never knew where she lived? Also how could I have known? I've never been there before. And never will be again.
Sasha: Well...then how come you have her address in your pocket?
Jules: I never had that...I swear.
Sophia: lied to me about nadia? It feels like you planned this behind my back. Why would you do this to me?
Jules: I'm sorry.
Sophia: I seriously...can't believe this.
Jules: I am sorry.
Sophia: I'm going...
Sophia's pov: Heads to my room and cries.
Jules pov: Runs upstairs and cries about all of my struggles. Sophia doesn't know what's actually going on. I did this because my hair was coming out, I was afraid. I didn't know what to do. But I feel bad because I hurt my bestie.
Daniella's pov: Goes to sophia's room and knocks.
Sophia: Go away, Jules. I mean it.
Daniella: *comes in* it's actually me.
Sophia: Hi...
Daniella: I'm guessing you were hoping it was the person you told to go away?
Sophia: Kinda...
Daniella: What's really going on?
Sophia: She flat out lied to me mum.
Daniella: I know sweetie. Also em's brought your hat back. She also said Jules is really upset that she hurt you.
Sophia: Great...she should be.
Daniella: Go talk to her.
Sophia: No...she lied to me. So she should be coming here.
Daniella: You're forgetting she's the one who is sick with cancer and can get tired easily.
Sophia: Yeah, I know. But still.
Daniella: I know, I'm sorry. *leave the rooms*
Sophia's pov: looks and my hat and sees her hair* Sophia: Omg....Jules.
Sophia's pov: Realises why she lied and did all of this, so i got to her room.
Sophia: How come you never told me?
Jules: Tell you what?
Sophia: My hat.
Jules: I gave it back.
Sophia: No not that...i found a lot of your hair in it. And I mean a lot. So... Why didn't you tell me?
Jules: Because I was afraid. But why are you very upset when I'm losing my hair?
Sophia: Because I'm your bestie. You should always tell me and come to me when this has gone wrong or if you're scared.
Jules: But...Soph. I don't want to lose it. I really don't. But it had to start when school was starting and I didn't want everyone to know. I want it to stay a secret. Why is that so bad? I know I got us in trouble but I had to, as I didn't want to go to school like this, but I didn't want to not go without being by my side.
Sophia: That's sweet but also awful.
Jules: I'm really sorry, I just panicked. Cause if i went...and people saw my hair they would know and see cancer. So then everyone would just see me as the sick girl, but I'm more than that. So I dragged you down with me as it sucks.
Sophia: I have an idea... Maybe we should shave it.
Jules: But people would know for sure.
Sophia: Not if I do it too. *shaves a line*
Jules: Omg! You did that!
Sophia: You're my bestie and you're not alone.
Jules: Thx bestie. *does a line to*
Sophia: Omg, we look crazy.
Jules pov: We both shaved our heads completely as we were committed to this. I also knew my hair would come out on it's own with chemo, but me waiting was scary. and i didnt know it would. But I like to think of it as a surprise party without the gifts and cake but with more baldness. I am really happy Sophia is doing this by my side. I'm also happy to have her with me at all times, as well.
Sophia: Okay, what are we going to do now?
Jules: I have no idea, as I had hair 5 mins ago it was still here...I wasn't planning on doing this tonight.
Sophia: My head feels so...weird.
Jules: Mine too!
Sophia: What are we going to do as we start school on thursday! Which would be fine if we were on another planet!
Emma: *walks in with sasha* Is everything okay here...*shocked* oh my mother of dragons!
Sasha: Wow...
Emma: Sweetie, why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you?
Jules: It all happened so quick...i didn't know i was doing it until i was...i'm sorry.
Emma: It's okay, I promise.
Jules: Sophia, actually got this started.
Emma: Thanks, for always being here for her.
Sophia: Anytime.
Emma: This is really the sweetest thing ever!
Jules: I agree...
Sophia: I should hair will still be here...*leaves and heads home*
Emma: Just don't let your neck get cold or your ears!
Jules: Mum, I'm not even a little cold.
Emma: Okay, sweetie.
Jules: Mum...I'm good. Also is dad okay?
Sasha: Wow...
Jules: Okay...I think I have broken my dad...literally.
Sasha: Wow.
Emma: Eh, he came that way. I'm sure.
Jules: Same here.
Emma: Does Dani know? That Sophia did this with you.
Daniella: Ahhhh! *from next door*
Jules: She does now!
Emma: I agree. Also I made chicken pasta for dinner.
Jules: Eats! This is really yummy.

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