Chapter Six

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You woke up earlier the following day, rubbing your eyes as you stood before the gate of the night dorm. Taking out your ID, you held your breath as you scanned it. There was silence for a moment, the only sounds coming from the birds in the forest, until you heard a click, allowing you enough time to open the gate and enter the small courtyard.

It was empty, the stone benches appearing untouched and the bird baths looking as if they haven't been properly managed in years. Beyond that, there were two distinct buildings- the dormitory being the biggest one with multiple floors to the left, and a small path to the right, was the one story library.

Moving quietly, you stepped through the courtyard to the library, hoping that the night students who were awake wouldn't be able to detect you as you slipped into the small building. The library had several large bookshelves, fully stacked, and stood tall against the otherwise empty room. You dug into your back pocket, unwrinkling the note of questions you had made to yourself this morning between brushing your teeth and changing.

What caused the blue night?

The first question was the one you knew would be the hardest one to find an answer, that is if there even was one. You went onto your next inquiry.

More info on oligarchy?

It wasn't so much a question as just a want to better understand. You didn't want to bother Ten or Yuta, and the cat from last night was right to make you feel a bit embarrassed about it. You shoved the paper back into your pocket, and started making your way through the crudely labeled shelves. For the library specially made for the elite mythic families' children, you would think there would be a bit more care- at least a librarian of some sort. But no, you milled the library aimlessly until you finally fell into the section labeled "oligarchy- history and political theory."

You had an hour before you had to leave for class, and planned to use it wisely. You grabbed the first book you could relating to oligarchy history, and hid in a corner- the book open on your lap, a pen in your hand, and a notebook opened next to you to put down notes.

In order to properly rule the mythic world after the treaty of 202 AD, it was agreed that there would be a changing monarchy, hereby dubbed the oligarchy. It would comprise no less than five families and no more than ten that will change off its ruler to someone new within them every 750 years or until the current ruler dies. There can be no more than two of the same species in the oligarchy.

The order shall proceed as follows with the founding oligarchy families and their respective species: Faerie Lee's, Vampire Nakamoto's, Shifter Kim's, Vampire Lee's, and Psychic Na's.

You were able to quickly scribble down the first five families, most of which you could have guessed, before someone cleared their throat next to you, causing you to jump in your skin.

"Hm, so my visions about you do seem to be right sometimes," he said. You had seen him a few times in your Tuesday Thursday class- usually with some of the younger mythics of said course. You had no idea what his name was, yet he looked at you as if you had been friends for years as he sat down on the ground next to you.

"Visions?" was all you were able to repeat back, too dumbfounded by his sudden appearance.

"I'm Na Jaemin, yes from the original psychic family you just read about," he answered your question before you were even able to speak.

"Have your visions with me been wrong a lot?" you asked, closing the book slightly.

"Yes, honestly. Psychics can only see the future depending on the decisions people plan to make, so if everyone around you keeps changing their minds about different things it makes it very hard. Especially if I don't know everyone in your life," he spoke so casually, now fully laying on the floor and not even looking at you as you spoke.

Under the Blue Flames {Nakamoto Yuta}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora