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Sicheng had taken to sending you letters from Hell- sacrificing a few demons to deliver them to you and also to have you send some back to him. Summer time was knocking on your windows along with another demon with a new letter from Sicheng. It was never anything too long, and you never responded with anything too extended either- especially with the demons waiting in the corner for you to finish writing back. You weren't sure how Sicheng had managed to find demons calm enough to not attack and ones that would also deliver letters, but you never cared enough to ask.

Satan's been posing as a human for a few months now, and after trading places with Jaemin to get here, I've been having a blast ruling this place. Did you know that Satan found your Mom? He sent me a message last week with where they were. I figured- you might want to know, maybe even meet her. Anyways, tell Jungwoo and Kun that I'll be online next Wednesday at three to play Valorant.

Last thing- you've been practicing with your powers, right? You're pretty powerful- but don't get too cocky. Hell is my place and the earth is all yours so don't get too greedy- that's my thing. Any updates on the mythic election by the way? -Sicheng

It was weird to know that your Mother was not only alive, but living with Satan... somehow. In this whole time, she never made any effort to find you it seems and yet- now you had the opportunity to meet her.

Thanks- but no thanks. I never really cared much for finding my birth parents as is, and it seems like she doesn't want to know me either. Don't worry- I love it here on earth, and if what you're saying is true about my very extended life span, I'll be able to find ways to entertain myself up here for a long while. How did you even manage to get wifi in Hell? Have enough evil computer wizards died to help you with that?

Jaemin was unanimously elected as the first chancellor of the mythic world. He asked me to act as both the human liaison as well as the Hell liaison once I graduate. So, while I work to get my PhD so I can be President of Knight's Cross, I'll also be working in his cabinet.

Anyways, talk to you soon. - Y/N

You handed it off to the demon, who took it between his teeth and evaporated before your eyes. You were slowly packing up your dorm for the summer since you'd be moving back into your Dad's for the next few months with Mark, who would be back from his first semester at Columbia soon. Surrounded by boxes, you checked the time on your phone to see a text from Chaein.

Smash tournament tonight, r u in?

You smiled, happy to always be thought of and happy that Chaein had given you a chance to be friends.

Can't :( I'm going out with Yuta tonight. Win for me, please!

You tucked your phone into your backpocket and stepped out into your dorm hallway, waving hello to a few of your residents.

"Hey y/n!" Chenle and Jisung called in unison.

"Hey guys! What are your plans for tonight?" you asked the pair.

"Ten and Mark invited us to a smash tournament tonight," Chenle mused, and your eyes widened slightly.

"Oh, cool," was all you could muster. "Where?"

"Oh, in the library," Jisung responded, as if you should know. You sighed in relief.

"Oh yeah, of course. I'll see you guys later!" you waved. Johnny and Ten probably moved the tournament from the night dorm to the library specifically for your residents, and that really did make you happy. Knowing that such a blended group would be blended even more... Yuta's small initiatives had worked.

Headed along the path to the forest, there were less students out than usual- either studying for their finals, packing up their dorms, or partying in a separate corner of campus.

It was dim in the field that Yuta had asked you to meet him in, his seated figure illuminated solely by the small lamp he had next to him on the blanket.

"There aren't any stars out tonight," you called, pouting slightly. He turned back, smiling brightly as you approached.

"No, but all the stars pale in comparison to you anyways," he flirted, a cheeky grin now forming.

"That was corny," you giggled, sitting down next to Yuta.

"I just finished Breaking Dawn- it appears that the book's corny-ness has stuck with me," he teased, taking your copy of the book out from his backpack to return to you.

"Hmm, what did you and Johnny think of it?"

"Geez, did Bella need to be pregnant?"

"Yep, sounds like a good reaction," you laughed, sliding the book into your own bag. Yuta was watching you for a moment, the dim lighting making it hard to assess any part of his thoughts.

"Would you ever want kids?" he asked curiously, his own brows knitting together. You purse your lips, thinking the question over. Maybe, before you knew that you were immortal due to your parentage, you would have said no since you didn't think you could ever be capable of being a parent.

"I'm not sure," you responded, feeling satisfied with the response. I don't know- and you had so much to look forward to in existence to maybe figure that and yourself out.

"Me neither," Yuta smiled, seeming that he too was happy with this answer. He looked up at the sky again, as if hoping for a star or anything to pop up. "It's so dark," he huffed. You smiled. You hadn't shown him this yet, but Sicheng had sent you instructions on how to create your own isolated flames that don't need to be connected to anything. You had been waiting for an ideal moment to show Yuta, and one seemed to finally present itself to you.

You didn't hone in on your angered emotions anymore- it proved to be detrimental and nearly uncontrollable at points. It took some time to relearn your own powers, but you felt confident as you zeroed in on your joyous moments: small ones, like when you first met Yuta, or when you and Chaein reconciled.

"Oh wow," Yuta whispered. Glancing up, a blue flame small enough to fit in the palm of your hand hovered a foot above the two of you, its small blue hue offering enough light for you to fully see Yuta. "When did you learn to do that?"

"A few weeks ago," you admitted.

"You've gotta stop holding back on me," he extended his arm now, his hand cupping your cheek.

"I don't want you getting bored of me," you joked.

"I could never be bored of you," he pouted, feeling hurt.

"Even though I'll be alive just as long as you will?" you pressed, raising an eyebrow.

"Never," he replied, kissing your forehead.

"Good... I love you, Yuta."

"I love you, y/n."

Under the Blue Flames {Nakamoto Yuta}Where stories live. Discover now