Chapter Seven

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You were awake and frozen in place while you should've been sleeping, staring at the wall and replaying your nightmare. Yuta and Ten, while probably able to tell you were awake, didn't move from their positions in front of the TV, most likely to give you some semblance of privacy.

The memory of the night you were abandoned was your first memory ever, and still haunts you. Yet, it wasn't even a clear memory. Rather, it was a fragmented mess that offered no solace and just pain.

Now, the blue flames singed your brain as you thought over them again and why they would be there and who it was that was staring down at you. You had never turned around to see the figure that had loomed over you- at least, not that you could originally remember. Now though, some bits were starting to sing across your memory. The person was definitely tall, that much you could gather, and... friendly. You felt sick just thinking about it.

Most of your memories from that night were a haze after that point, until what was most likely a few days later where your father had formally adopted you and where you had first met Mark.

Mark was excited to have a sister, and even when you were terrified of everything around you, he was there to encourage you no matter what. You loved your family, nothing could ever change that, but your memory seeming to come back- albeit in broken fragments- sparked a curiosity you hadn't felt since you were first abandoned.

Your phone started ringing at what you assumed was around noon, breaking your train of thought as you picked it up.


"Well hello to you too my darling daughter," your Dad sounded tired, trying his best to seem chipper while being sarcastic.

"How's it going?" you asked dryly.

"Well, the Vatican is still setting up a sacred barrier to prevent demons from leaving, so pretty good. Listen, I called because I need you to confirm somethings Mark and the night dorm told me," he was serious now, as you heard what sounded like a clicking pen in the background. "He just said that Ten and Yuta stayed the night with him and Johnny, choosing to be in lockdown there than in the night dorm."

"Oh, yeah, they stayed with Mark," you sounded robotic, sitting up in bed now to see the pair staring back at you from the couch.

"Okay, they should be free from lockdown soon so they can be able to eat by tonight. I'm glad Yuta stayed with Mark, I wasn't ready to have to threaten him," you laughed at your father's response, avoiding the eye contact of Yuta now.

"Love you Dad."

"Love you too sweetie," he hung up, leaving you fully alone with two vampires again. Checking the time on your phone, you groaned as you realized you had to go to class soon. The night students had to stay inside, but the day students who were not privy to the potential danger they were in, were attending class as if everything was normal- although, having the Vatican there certainly helped.

"That freshman's outside again, I'm gonna go bother him," Ten announced. Before you could object, he was out of your room and leaving you in your exhausted state with Yuta who now sat at the corner of your bed.

"You didn't sleep," it wasn't a question.

"You never sleep," it was meant to be funny, but it came out sounding bitter from your tired lips, your hands now rubbing your eyes to try and wipe away the sleepiness.

"That's not technically true," he replied, watching as you raised a confused eyebrow. "Well, when you're born a vampire, and you're still growing, you do sleep during the day. When we stop growing after our first 21 years we don't really sleep."

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