About Lydia and Makima

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Age: 18
Height: 5'1
Likes: video games, GL, painting, drawing, coffee, shopping, music, cooking
Dislikes: snotty people, men, homophobic people
Sexuality: bi romantic lesbian
BDSM info: submissive, slave, degrade. Masochist, rope bunny
About: senior in high school, has a decent amount of friends but it enter fears in her study's and focus on school. Lydia can never seem to get a partner even though a good bit of people who would date her.

Age: 24
Height: 6'0
Likes: working, shopping, teaching, sleeping, reading, movies, classical music
Dislikes: waiting, rude attitudes, kids, men
Sexuality: Lesbian
BDSM info: degrader, sadist, dominant, mommy
About: Makima is head of a Business and is a workaholic who makes millions in just weeks. Most people im the company fall im love with her but she has no interest in anybody

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