Chapter 3: sweet wine

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       Hearing Makima conversation to the driver kept me entertained because they obey her with everything she asks for.

I sat down on a bench that was nearby at a park since she suggested the driver to pick us up at the nearest park from my house. She sat down next to me crossing her legs. "Are you interested in BDSM?" I gasped and immediately turned my head away in embarrassment and nodded. She went on and asked "what is your kinks or details of what you are." I started to cover my face but willing to answer her question. "U-uhm" I can't even speak without stuttering. "I-I am a-a u-uh masochist, b-brat, rope...bunny, a-and I have a p-praise kink..along w-with being degraded."

I try not to panic while saying that but what is more embarrassing Im not saying that to her face and Im already acting like this.

"How cute, your flustered just from describing your likings." Without me knowing she raised her hand up and fiddled with my ears and playing with my hair. I got more flustered and anxiously shakes my leg from such words and acts this women has been doing.

"Teasing you like this is so amusing. I wonder how it would be if I say and do so much worse that it overwhelms you more than it already is." I hear a car driving by and I looked to my side, it was a black Nissan with black out windows. "Finally he has arrived." She said. She stood up and offered me a hand up and I looked up at her and care to take the offer. The private driver got out the car and opened the back seat door. She got in and said "Thank you William. Respectful as always." I stood behind her getting into the car saying thank you to the man and he got back in the car and drove off.

   Makima said "My place is actually very far, maybe 2 hours from here. Don't be scared if you want to sleep or have a conversation with me. Ok love?" I said "yes of course" She placed her hand on my thigh rubbing it slowly. I tried to ignore it but she slowly went up near my area and she gripped it gently while rubbing my thigh with her thumb. I blushed a bit looking out the window and tapped on my phone to see the time. It was already 6 pm. I rested on my hand that my elbow was supporting and dozed off.

Feeling a little tug and hearing from my ear softly "Wakeup we are here." I opened my eyes noticing  my head is resting on Makima's arm. I let out a small yawn as William opens the car door. I get out and looks around. And noticed we are at a huge garage that hospitals have. Makima walks passed me grabbing my hand and said "you will get lost so stay close to me." I left my backpack in the car so I won't lose it at her house. Holding hands with her is so warming and soft but her hand is so much bigger than mine it swallows my whole hand when shes holding it.

    Walking seemed like forever but we finally got to an elevator to set us up. It is very quiet in here and Makima is on her phone. There are 5 floors. But only going to the 3rd. Ding Elevator door slides open and as it opens my eyes widen from shock. The floors were gray white marble floor with a huge kitchen on the right. The height of the room has to be 20 feet tall. On the left is a huge living space with an electric fireplace and a Tv above it. The sofa was black and long. I froze from amazement but to top it off you can see the whole view of the city since one wall is all glass. I didn't even notice that Makima and William has already stepped out of the elevator.

Makima grabbed my arm and pulled me into her. "I don't need you to go back down since my house is so big dear." She said giggling. Her pulling me into her is so comforting I can just fall asleep in her arms with no trouble. She suddenly picked me off my feet carrying me towards the stair case that was hidden behind a wall to the right. "I can walk you know" I said "Yes I know I just wanted to carry you to the room that's all." She said. I answered with a ok.

She walked in a hallway and leaded to a left at a dead end that had a door. "Since you staying for one night you can sleep in my room. If you think about moving in with me like I suggested you can have your own room or stay in mine." She said. She opened the door and her room was so neat and fancy. The first words that come from my mouth was "Are you rich or something" She walked and placed me on her bed and said "Well what do you think? I will answer your questions later after dinner." She replied.

Her bed was huge, silky black sheet and puffed up pillows that seems like clouds. She has the same glass wall from downstairs with the same pretty view I could stare out for hours. I look at Makima as she took her coat off and loosened her tie. I leaned back half way laying on the bed having my legs dangling from the end of the bed. "Already feeling at home I see" Makima said. I took a deep breathe and said "oh yeah" I heard her giggle a bit. I close my eyes and heard her foot steps coming closer to me and felt the bed deepen around me. I opened my eyes and she was right on top of me.


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