Chapter 1: Social Media

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    "Ugh! Fucking weirdos sending dick pics out of nowhere!" I threw my phone on my bed putting my hands on my hips so annoyingly looking away down to the floor and hearing a buzz that came from my phone. "Great another notification, better not be another stupid man." Picking up my phone curiously looking at my phone to see who it might be. "Makima_50 wants to send you a message" I unlocked my phone going straight to instagram "Must be an advertisement bot." I tap on the request and the messages quoted "Hello love, you caught my attention while scrolling through my fyp I was wondering if you would like to meet up somewhere." Starring at the message I was hesitating on how to reply so I am just going to leave this open for now. Being called love feels different, gives me a feeling of turning in my stomach.

      Most people arnt interested in me it's highly shocking for me, there are people who say they would date me but turn to someone else or give excuses why they can't and yet still flirt with me. It does bother me that I can't find a person but that's ok.

I look at the time on my phone, it is already past midnight. I plugged my phone to the charger setting an alarm for school.

                             That Morning

      I woke up from the sound of my annoying loud alarm, I turn to the opposite side of me to make it stop and squinted my eyes looking at my notifications while going to it. From Makima_50

I checked the dm and read it slowly trying to fully wake up. "Dear It is rude to leave a person on read without an explanation or a goodbye. We still have to meet I would love to see you. Don't keep me waiting, I have no patience. Meet me around *********"

Im still struggling to type my thoughts in but I carelessly typed "Im sorry I had no words. I have school in a bit I cannot go today. Your not to far where I am so traveling around wouldn't be an issue."

I pressed down send while slowly lifting myself up and getting out of bed rubbing my eyes to the bathroom. I placed my phone on the sinks counter and heard it vibrate. Not to worry to pick it up immediately.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands thinking to myself, is she really interested in me, what if she is catfishing then i would definitely be ashamed of myself. I opened the door walking back to my room to get dressed but before I can do that I pressed the message Makima has send and read it.

"It's not an option to meet me or not it was an order hun 10:00 sharp, if ur not here than all I have to say is everything has their consequences. 10 am should be fine, you have time to get ready but at the mean time I have work. Before I get off give me your house address." 

       I suddenly got flustered from just reading that. But im not sure if I should meet. She can't be that serious about it but I will give her my address because Im a dumbass. Typing down my address she quickly answers "Thank you baby girl. See you soon."

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