meeting Dr. Halsey

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" (Y/n)!" Chief yelling

Coming back to reality

(Y/n) waking up in what looks to be a night gown and in a medical bed. (Y/n) looking to their left seeing a certain spartan sitting in a chair.

' is he really that worried about me?' questioning in their mind looking at the spartan.

" Chief, their awake" a female voice in the room. Turning your head almost hurting yourself. Seeing a small and blue female AI.

" My name is cortana, you must be (y/n)" questioning how cortana knew your name.

" Yes that's my name and how did you know my name?" Hoping for an answer but feeling a hand on your shoulder. (Y/n) looking back seeing master chief up.

" How long have I been out?" (Y/n) hoping it was only a few minutes.

" You've been out for three hours. Dr. Halsey says it's just a loss of sleep." Chief saying straight to the point. Speaking of Dr. Halsey, looking at what she was wearing. A white lab coat with blue scrubs underneath.

" Ah, they're awake. Good I was coming to ask questions about you." You were already getting bad vibes from her.
" Chief you can leave along with Cortana. You have a mission to take care of."

Watching chief leave the room and turning back around to start the questioning.

" So (y/n), how much do you know of the spartans?" " Well I don't know much only that they're strong and supposedly to save the human race." Halsey nodding by what (y/n) said. " I am giving you the choice to become a Spartan. You don't have to become a Spartan but-" (y/n) cutting Halsey off " no, I'm not going to be a science experiment and become a Spartan." (Y/n) answered understanding right away of what Halsey was proposing.

" Alright, but know the option still stands." Halsey speaking as she walks out of the room.

' how am I going to get (y/n) to take the augmentation.' Halsey pondering her plan.

' I need to move of this bed.' (y/n) quickly realizing that something's tied to their ankle.

' how am I going to get out of this' squirming to get it off but soon hit with tranquilizer dart falling right back on the bed.

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