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Guys were almost to 500 reads thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoy


After a few days of you and chief's secret relationship chief saw you more often and kissing you still in a place no one could see.

(Y/n) started to wonder if they should tell Blue team about their relationship but after telling John about the idea. ( it's still weird to say his name)

John agreed to your suggestion and we're going to tell them the next day.

//Next day//

"Are you ready for this" (y/n) questioned chief

"Yes and no (y/n). I am worried that Kelly will start to make fun about this." John said with little worry in his voice.

" It will be fine John just hope for the best" (y/n) said trying to reassure the spartan holding his hand.

And with that you and chief walked to meet the blue team in their barracks. Not wanting to show it yet you and John stop holding hands and walk in the room.

" Hey chief why did you want us to meet here" Fred asked

" That's because he has a new plan to get rid of the covenant Fred" Kelly said answereing for John

" If that is what we have come to talk about then why did you bring the girl" Linda asked chief

" That is a good guess Kelly but that is not why I called you all hear for. But to tell you all something no one else should know." Chief said adding a small amount of command in the end.

" So what is it then" Kelly questioned but with excitement

" Me and (y/n) have been together for the last few days" chief said revealing to truth.

" So that is what you were hiding the past few days huh chief" fred said like he new (y/n) and John were together.

" Yes Fred me and John have been together for the past few days and we didn't know how you guys were going to take it." (Y/n) explained to blue team but also wondering how he new chief was hiding something.

"I also have a question to ask, what happened with Halsey?" (Y/n) asked but got no reply.

(Y/n) could feel the tension around the group of spartans including chief he just didn't speak after what (y/n) said. And with a sigh (y/n) decided that it wasn't important and went to go for a walk. Chief was so tense that he could barely see (y/n) walk out of the barracks and into the halls. Finally coming back to reality he asked blue team where you went and started to look for you.

(Y/n) knew that they were John was going to look for them but decided to go to their now shared room with John and went to bed. After John found you in bed he decided to do the same. After changing into his PJs he rap his arms around you and suggled you close to him. To reassure you that you were okay you turned around and kissed John on the lips. Surprising John a little thinking you were asleep but kissed back with saying goodnight to each other and sleep taking over you both.

a/n: hey guys sorry it took so long but I was busy and wanted to have a break from it so now I hope I did at least a good job. And I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Have a good day/goodnight

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