Highschool (Lisa/Nelson)

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Lisa's Pov:

It's the day before i start highschool and i'm not ready.Well i should explain, i'm totally ready and excited for the advanced classes but the social aspect is something that gives me too much anxiety im just not ready. Besides that I never made friends at Springfield Elementary so I have no one to brave this with. And i'm not sure I'll be able to make new friends in highschool.But i guess I'll find out tomorrow.

The Next Morning.☼

I woke-up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears.I hit it to stop the alarm. And slowly start my morning routine.i finish getting my stuff put together in my backpack,then i head down for breakfast. I see Maggie and mom and say good morning while I pour myself some orange juice.About a quarter of the way through breakfast bart comes down, halfy through dad comes down.i finish my breakfast and head back up to my room to check im totally set before the bus comes.i finish giving myself a pep talk and i grab my bag and head down to wait for the bus.i wave bye to mom and dad and go outside to wait for the bus which should be here in 2 minutes. Bart comes out a minute later.

Bart: You ready lise?

Lisa: not really... but ill be fine i guess

Bart: lise you're the smartest person i know you'll be fine im sure youll meet plenty of band geeks or just nerds, but your gonna be fine.

I didn't get to answer Bart because as he finished his mini speech the bus pulled up. Bart found one of his friends at the back and went to sit next to them, I however found an empty seat. A few stops later Nelson, my first boyfriend and acquaintance, gets on. I assumed he'd sit at the back with the "popular kids'' he didn't. He sat down right next to me. I Was confused but what he did next confused me more.

Nelson: hey lise ya ready for highschool

Lisa: nope

Nelson: Can I ask why?

Lisa: umm i guess I can tell you.

Nelson: go on

Lisa: well im ready for the advanced classes but i don't have any friends and i can't really make new friends'

Nelson: well i think that you're wrong because you do have a friend

Lisa: what do you mean

Nelson: Well you have me as a friend.

I gave him a smile and for the last few minutes till we got to school we made some small talk.

We finally got to school and everyone got off the bus and I headed to my first period. Math. The door was open but I knocked anyway. The teacher told me to sit anywhere ao i sat at a desk closest to the door.As students came in no one sat next to me well at least not voluntarily.Every class until lunch was the same way. Lunch came and I found an empty place to eat. A few minutes in I saw Nelson coming my way. He plopped down next to me

Nelson: So how's it been so far.

Lisa:not great

Nelson: welp i have a solution

Lisa: what do you mean

Nelson: I have a friend whose name is Jazz shot for jasmine but they also like jazz so it works out.

Lisa: ok and your point

Nelson: I think you too would be great friends and I want to introduce you to them.

Lisa:Ok cool.

He helped me put my food away and led me over to this really beautiful person.They had short curly black hair with purple fading at the ends and they had on a purple hoodie with Bleeding gums on it. They also had on ripped jeans and purple converse. They looked so nice tho.Nelson stopped in front of them and said hi before introducing me.

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