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Rita's place is definitely special. Her house is on top of a green little hill at the water, so you can see every inch of this beach.

The sun is always shining through some window and her furniture is all out of some lightened wood. Its different, then I thought it would be. It's still an old house but its very beautiful.

My room in the basement, but through some windows, the sun is still shining down there. It has the same vibe like the other rooms upstairs. Its very beachy.

I even have my own exit out of the house.

But not the house is the most surprising thing here.

It's Rita.

She knows exactly what I have done. She knows my current state of health, but she is still the nicest old woman I have ever seen.

I have been here now for some days. Yesterday I collected my bags from under the tree. I have saved everything, besides my phone, which was to wet and now its broke, but I can live with that.

I dont want to contact anyone or check the news.

Rita gave me a little book. A diary. She thought it mid help me. And I try to believe that too, so I took it with me every time I get out with the dog and I write. Sometimes just words. Sometimes poets. And sometimes I cry while writing my thoughts.

Rita brought me breakfast down to my room and also something to eat for the dog.

He now kind of lives with me. Every time I walked with him at the beach or the fields he stayed at my side.

'Dawn!', I heard Rita scream for me.

'I think Boy wants do go out.'

I havent decided a name for the dog jet, so we call him 'Boy' ever since.

I got upstairs and see him waving his tail in front of the door.

I grabbed my little tote- sack with his leash, my diary, a pen and a water bottle in it. I also grabbed a green jacket. I opened the door and we headed to the beach.

I sit down in the sand. Boy still some running circles.

I grabbed my diary and the pen. Today I actually got a good day and I wanted to keep that in memory.

I heard Boy coming out of the water and I started putting my diary back in my bag, but then not only I heard Boy, but also a voice. I looked to my right.

Boy stood beside me, as I stood up.

A girl walking straight to us. Waving.

'Hey, do you have seen a little girl? Good fashion sense. 11 years old. This high.' She said, while holding her hand to show how big the girl is, she is looking for.

'I'm sorry, but no.' She looks disappointed. 'Do you know, where she could be? Any nice spots here?'

'Well, I came to this island just some days ago. I have no idea if there is anything nice around here.'

'Oh okay. Yeah, I just move here to and its the first day and she run off. I'm Zoe, so if you find Rosie, my sister, could you bring her to Bright Fields Stables?', she asked. I nod.

And my eyes widen, after I saw what as behind her.

She looked confused, till she turned her back to the massive black horse, that was running in our direction.

Horse, great!

'Are we supposed to run?'

'I dont know. Staying still and maybe he will walk around us.', she said. I looked over to her.

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