still friends

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Zoe's PoV:

I felt awful. I had called the cops on one of my friends.

Pin was definitely mad at me. He hasnt talked to me or worked on Raven with me since then.

The other girls werent. They knew I just did it, because I thought it was the right thing to do, but I hadnt had enough evidence and now Firefly was stolen and soon Dawn would come back.

Sam will not charge against her for steeling and she was at the police station while Firefly was stolen, so she was not the horse thief.

She was there for two days. She must be so angry at me. She will never talk to me again.

'What are you thinking about?', someone said behind me.

I was just sitting on a fence while the others planed stuff for pony- camp.

As I turned around, I saw Dawn.

I dont know if she looked mad at me or not, but I just went for a hug and almost fell of the fence.

'I'm so sorry for what I did. I hadnt had enough'

'Zoe, its okay. You just did what you thought was right for the horses.', she said. I could feel in her voice that she was still mad at me, but she seemed like she understood me.

As I went out from the hug I clapped at the fence. 'Sit with me.', I said friendly.

'I will go looking for Pin. I have to get Boy.' I nod.

I dont understand what Pin and her connection was, but they get along very well. Besides working with him on Raven, I hadnt talked to him that much, but as Dawn said herself, I just need to spent more time with him.

Maybe at pony- camp later we would have some time.

I want to apologize by him too, for spying on him and thinking it was him.

But it makes sense why it wasnt him now.

We all saw Dawn wearing his jacket. He just gave it to me out of his locker. She must have given it to him with the bottle I found still in it.

I went over to Jade and Becky.

After seeing Dawn right now I feel a lot better and was actually very excited for pony-camp.

I helped them build up some tables and benches and after that we went over to Marcus, where I told them all, that I just spoke to Dawn and that we are good.

'What? why didnt she come over to say Hi to us too?', Becky asked sad.

'She wanted to pick up her dog from Pin.'

After I said that I could see Marcus's face drop.

I took my phone out.

Have you guys seen this? - Zoe

What are you talking about? - Jade

And why are we texting now? - Becky

I looked up again. Seeing that Marcus attention wasnt on us right now, so I looked back down.

He is jealous of Pin!!! - Zoe

I saw Jade and Becky looking back up from their phones directly over to Marcus.

As soon as they did, he looked back over to us.

'What are you starring at?', he said.

'Nothing.', we all said together.

He definitely knew that we knew and he blushed.

'I have to do some stuff for Sam.', he just said and walked past us.

'You are right! He definitely likes Dawn! Horsome.', Becky said.

That was one thing I didnt understand about Becky. She is totally in love with Marcus, but is happy for her friends, if they have an actual chance with him.

We went on with preparations for pony- camp and even if I knew my mom doesn't want me to be here, I will still not miss this event. It means a lot to my friends and the stable, so I have no other choice then to stay.

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