Pony camp

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Dawn's PoV:

After I get out from the police station, because Sam didnt want to charge me, I went over to the stables.

I wanted to see Sam and also my friends.

As I saw Zoe sitting in thoughts on a fence, I went over to her.

She told me she was sorry and I understood. I was still mad at her, because she wanted to get Pin in jail at first and didnt even tell me and then it was me, but I guess everyone makes mistakes.

I told her I wanted to see Pin, so I could get Boy back.

She stayed on her place and I went into the stables.

I walked past Elvis, because I thought that Pin may be there, but I was wrong.

I stayed a little while by Elvis, thinking what would have happened to him if Pin was the one who got arrested.

Lost in thoughts I didnt hear, how Sam stepped beside me.

'Sam! Hi.', I just said, as she waved her hand in front of my face.

'How are you doing?', she asked worried.

'I'm doing fine, thanks to you. Why Why didnt you charged me for stealing?'. I asked frightened.

I'm good at lying, well mostly, but this is a big deal and I dont know if I can keep up with such a big lie.

'I dont know why you did it, but you must have a good reason.' She looked at me with that look. Rying to get an answer now.

'I'm sorry, Sam. I'm really sorry, but I took it for a very personal reason. It wasnt my intention to come here and take it. I really wanted to be here for all the people and not the opportunity to take something from you.'

She looked even more worried now.

'For a personal reason? You took sedatives, for horses. If a human would take it.' I knew what she was thinking right know.

'But I didnt take it. I mean I didnt used it.', I tried explaining.

I was worried, that she would talk to Rita and Rita would talk to my father than.

'Please, Sam, I'm okay, I wasnt going to use it. It was just a week moment.', I tried to explained.

I could feel, how a person walked away behind the door.

Someone listened. I'm so screwed.

'Sam, I got to go, but I swear I will not do it again.' I wanted to go, but she called me again.

'Dawn, if you do it again or something like this, I must have to talk to Rita. You understand that, right?'

I nodded.

I went out of the stables and saw Pin sitting on a bench on the other side, polishing some girl's shoes.

'Mia's?', I asked and walked smiling forward to him.

He looked up and smiled from ear to ear.

He stood up and hugged me.

He hugged me?!

'You are back! Thanks god.'

He let go of me and stepped a little bit back. I looked at him surprised and couldnt say a word. I havent seen that coming.

'Did Sam talked to you jet?', he asked wanting to change the topic from the hug, I clearly didnt expect.

'Well, havent you heard us?', I asked, because I thought it was him, who had listened behind the door.

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