a thief?

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I was walking with Boy and had just Zoe on the phone. She and the other girls were just at the stable and Zoe complained about how Pin is super moody and always yells at her for everything she does wrong.

'I mean he is right. I dont know that much about horses, but what he does is not fair. I just want to help him with Raven and all he does is complaining.'

'Zoe, please try to understand him. You are new to all that stuff.'

I heard silents.

'So you are on his side?', she said mad.

'I'm on no one's side. You both are right and I will not doubt that.'

I heard them talking about something Becky did. Something like Zoe's jacket got wet.

'Listen Zoe. Do your best, okay? He will see the good, when you guys just spend enough time together.'

'You are right. I got to go. The photographer must be here any second.'

I put my phone away and looked over to Boy.

'So much trouble with this horse. I dont understand Zoe's and Raven's bond, but we can all not just look away, especial Pin. He needs to see that it will help him, with his job.'

Boy just stood beside me. Doing absolutely nothing.

'Right, you dont comment on those things. Forgot.' I laughed to myself and we moved forward.

We were actually on our way to the stable, but I changed my mind and we were going back to Rita's now.

I guess with all those important things, they have to do right now, no one has really any time to chat or to give me riding lessons.

'You're back early. You wanted to go to the stables, what changed?', Rita asked, when I came in the front door.

I explained the upcoming plans at the stable and that there would be nothing, I could do.

I gave Boy a little water and went to Rita's bookshelf.

She told me I could take a book from there, whenever I wanted.

'Jane Austin.', I whispered. 'I heard good things about you.', I said while walking down the stairs, with a book from her in my hands.

I wanted to take some time for myself.

I was out, walking, meeting friends and even riding. I havent had any time for myself.

All of my days here, I faded out my past. The causings why I'm even here. My family.

I havent opened that book. I was just sitting in my bed.


Thinking what my family would do right now.

What my twin was doing. How my mother is. How my older sister is.

My dad took good care of them. Well at least when I was still there.

My mother in a coma, because of too much burns. My older sister was already back home from the hospital, where she was in because of a heavy concussion.

My identical twin sister and my father. Still mad at me.

Mad, because I set fire.

Mad, because I hurt everyone.

It wasnt my intension.

It got out of hand.

'It really wasnt my fault.', I whispered to myself.

I wanted to read and now Im sitting here. Half crying and not capable of doing anything.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next time I opened my eyes it was dark outside.

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