moor pony

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After the pony- camp was over all of us helped cleaning up and then went back home.

I went with Pin to pick up Boy from him.

'Hello Dawn.', Ted, Pin's dad, said to me when I walked in the house.

'Hello, thank you for watching over Boy. I hope it wasn't to much trouble.' I greeted Boy meanwhile. He was so exited and waved with his tail.

'No of course not, he is lovely, but I think I have to thank you, for going to the police station, rather than my son.'

I looked over to Pin, who was leaning on the door, waiting for me, so he can bring me home.

'It was a weird way to make a friend, but I'm glad I did it.', I said, while looking back to Ted.

'We have to go now, Dad. See you later.'

I waved goodbye to Ted and walked out the door with Boy. He wasn't on a leash so he ran a little in front of us, but didn't walked back home. He went to a container, beside the house.

'Boy no wait!', Pin said and walking behind him in this box.

When I came to get Boy out there, I saw him and Pin standing next to an ill pony on the ground.

I was shocked.

'What is that?'

Pin looked up, seeing me standing here.

'Its a pony from the moor. It's ill. Dad and I try to get it on his feet or else it will die.'

'Thats why you stole the sedatives, right?'

He nod.

Now I finally knew, why he stole and for what I got arrested.

Pin sat down and was petting this pony, when I sit down beside him. Boy now outside of this box.

'How long does it have?' I was petting it to.

Pin leaned back on the wall looking over to me.

'2, maybe 3 weeks.'

I looked back to the pony.

'Why is it here and not by a real doctor? Not to insult you, but you are a teenager.', I said not looking at him.

'Thats not so easy. The mayor and everyone with a higher standing position are not caring about the moor pony's. They is no money to bring them to a doctor, so we do it.'

I came from a rich family, if I just had access to my money I could help, but of course I ruined that with my actions.

'I'm sorry, that I didnt tell you', he said while leaning closer to me.

He probably thought I was mad, but I was just in thoughts.

'Its fine. Its a big secret. I just wish I could help you.' I looked at him.

The sun was setting and the walls were turning orange and everything just looked more prettier out here.

I looked him in the eyes and it felt like the time stopped since then. I dont know what happened.

Normally I would look away after just some seconds, but this didnt feel threatening.

I felt safe and warm.

He was also looking at me, as if there was no one else in the world.

Some loose pieces of my red hair flew in my face a little and he reached for it, putting it behind my ear.

We didnt talk nor did we move, after that little movement. We were extremely close to each other but it felt good.


The sun warmed my back and I could feel how some warm wind brought some movement in the Box.

I thought, that I moved closer to him, but I didnt.

He did.

I know I said, that I didnt feel anything for him in a romantical way, but this is not feeling wrong.

At least not in this moment.

He came close to me and I could see his soul in his eyes. It was magical.

A heavy movement from my left pushed me over.

The pony, that was laying flat just some seconds ago was standing up.

Pin and I stood up. Ignoring this intense moment that just happened and holding the pony stable on his feet's.

'He did it!', I said happily.

Pin looked at me, smiling and nodding.

'I will get your father.', I said while moving away from them.

I walked past Boy, who was laying in the sun near the container.

'Dawn, why are you still here?' 'The pony! It stood up.', I basically yelled.

Ted and I went back to the Box, where Pin and the pony were still standing.

'What did you guys do?', Ted asked.

We both knew exactly what we did seconds before the pony stood up, but we didnt tell that to Ted.

'Nothing, the pony stood up out of nowhere.', I said to get out of this slowly uncomfortable situation.

Pin just nod.

Ted brought a medicine bag with him and he and Pin took care of the little pony.

They were so invested in the health of the pony, that I felt it was a good time to go now.

I walked out the Boy and waked Boy, so we could go back to Rita.

The sun was still setting so the whole fields and the beach was in a beautiful color.

'I'm back, Rita.', I said while walking down the stair to my room.

I have seen hear right after I came back from the police station, but she still came down and asked me if I were okay and if I would need anything.

'I'm good, but thanks.', I just told her.

Actually, I didn't know if I were alright.

Did Pin and I were about to kiss?

Thats an absurd thought, because I'm sure, that I wasn't feeling anything for him. At least not till that moment.

I sat down on my bed.

Boy hopping on my bed and laying half on me.

I petted him and he soon fell asleep.

I was lost in thoughts.

What if Pin has feelings for me?

What if I had feelings for him?

I never had a relationship nor a real crush on someone.

I was always busy trying to understand myself and trying to handle my thoughts.

This is new and came out of nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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