Chapter 3

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Sleep evaded Hermione over the weekend, her mind troubled by Malfoy's request - demand - in having her as his Mind Healer. 

Why her?

Malfoy being the manipulative Slytherin ferret he is, was trying to make her feel guilty in being responsible for him losing his job...

She honestly wouldn't have given a damn if it hadn't been for that brief lapse in his walls on Saturday, a vulnerability and tiredness reflecting in his eyes.

Would she be doing more harm than good? That was the real question wasn't it? Her oath: to do no harm.

Getting in trouble with the Licensing Board was equally as cumbersome as Hermione's own ethical values - actively considering something she knows she shouldn't be.

"Acquaintances" was a laughable description to describe their relationship and did very little to make her feel better. She was venturing into such a grey area of ethics it was practically a twister from North America.

Violent turbulent winds sucking her up and spatting her back out... in pieces.

Lovely imagery, she thought wrly, chewing on her quill and staring at the blank piece of parchment.

Crookshanks nudged her leg.

"I know, I know," grumbled Hermione, quickly writing out her final decision before she could change her mind.

Crookshanks sneezed in approval.


Small talk with her colleagues was strained this morning, her nerves frayed and raw.

Monday clients:

Avery Thorn was struggling with their drinking and marriage.

Francine Loch was having an affair and panic attacks.

Lila Walkens had spurts of accidental magic anytime she was going to be intimate with someone.

Closing session today with Daphne Wood who was managing quite well with her recovery from a severe splinching incident.

A pecking sound on her office window sent Hermione's stomach churning with nerves as she allowed the Ministry's tawny owl to drop a letter on her desk before leaving with Malfoy-esque haughtiness.


Your handwriting is shite.

See you at 6 o'clock sharp.

-Acquaintance Malfoy

Fucking git.

Her Occulumency was going to need to be refined because there was no bloody way she was allowing him to look at her thoughts while they... talked. As acquaintances.

Granted, if he is too much of a nobhead, she could always end their agreement and force him to go find a proper Mind Healer. However, it wasn't like Hermione to quit nor walk away from a challenge.

An unexpected knock on her door startled her and she quickly disintegrated Malfoy's letter with a snap of her fingers.

"Come in," she said, glancing at her schedule perplexed.

"Hi, Mione."

Ron Weasley walked confidently into her office with a bit too much pep in his step for her liking. She was immediately suspicious.

"Everything alright?" she asked, raising a brow.

He beamed, blue eyes twinkling, coming to a stop next to her.

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